25. why

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Before I start

Hes not using her for power

'But she's not awake and it's her choice too' i said

'She'll wake up and yeah I know its her choice i was just giving you a brief understanding' i said and i stepped forward


'You better be giving me a brief understanding' i said angrily

'I was' he said and went back to the couch

Fuck you

And i thought he was innocent

I walked up the stairs and into her room and saw her still sleeping in the same position

I really thought she was going to at least move an inch

What have I done

Im not going to hurt her


I felt smelt tears well up in my eyes and i just let them flow

Shit I'm crying

I don't care no more

I just want her

I don't care if it's just us two against the world

I'd do anything for her


I'll fight for her until my last breath

I love her

Alexs pov

I woke up and saw eveything was dark and i was on a white floor and the everything was completely pitch black

I looked to my left and saw something white and i got up and groaned

My side

I lifted my shirt up and saw a hope and it was dark

Like it was burnt

I put my shirt down and started walking to the white thing in the distance and when i got there it was a sleeping wolf

My white wolf

I kneeled down and looked at her

I pulled my hand out and patted her head but she didn't wake up

She didn't even move and inch

'Alex' i heard a wispy voice and i turned around and got up to see a wolf with wings

'Who are you and where am i' i asked

'I'm the winged wolf, the only winged wolf that ever lived' she said

'But why am I here' i said and she came down and came up to me

'You see that hole in your side' she said and i lifted my shirt up

'Your were shot with a silver bullet with wolfsbane and a certain alpha took the bullet out and burnt the wolfsbane out, he's the only reason you alive right here' she said and i remembered



The stupid hunter

Liam xavier cole

'Wait where are they' i said

'You have 2 ways to deal with this, you live or die' she said

'Of course I'll live is that even a question' i said and her paw touched my hand and she walked me to my wolf

'Just look at her keep looking at her' she said as she just vanished and I did as she told me too and I kept looking at my wolf

It had been like 3 minutes when she opened her eyes and got up

But her eyes weren't yellow

they were pink.......

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