33. mall craze

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'Whats going on' i said

'It's not gun shots' he said

'Then what is it' i said turning around and saw nothing but all the students were down

'What the hell' i said

It was the intercom

'Sorry guys it's almost Christmas and graduation is coming up in 3 weeks so me as the schools principle im going to give you all a week off since nothings happening these days, no exams so enjoy' he said

What the hell

'Ok bye' i said walking away and I stood by Ashers car

'Open it' i said

'Ok' he said and when he opened it i sat inside and closed my eyes

'Are you ok' he asked

'Perfect' i said

'You need to go hunting' he asked

'What i dont need to hunt' i said

'I know but i need to take care of my baby luna' he said and i smiled as he pulled up home

'So what are we gonna do' i said getting out the car and inside where we saw Ryder and ricco

'What did you guys do' Ricco asked

'The principle sent us home early Because of graduation and Christmas' i said

'Then we are going shopping' Sapphire said

'For what I don't like shopping' i said

'For our dresses' she said

'What dresses' i said

'For gradation' she said

'That's in 3 weeks girl we got time' i said and she grabbed my arm

'We are going I'll pay for them' she said

'What oh my god can i at least eat' i said but she dragged me out

'Fine bye guys' i said

'Let's go' i said

'We are not going shopping' she said

'Then where we going' i said

'To a club' she said

'Ok first of all, it's almost 11 am and 2, does it look like I'm getting drunk at 11 in the morning no honey no' i said

'What don't you want a male stripper just getting it down on you' she said

'No honey i got my boo for that and so do you woman get your ass inside the house or to the mall' i said

'Now your talking to the mall we go' she said

'You were lying' i said

'Um yeah i only got eyes for Xavier' she said

'You better do' i said

'WATCH OUT' I yelled......

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