42. beach

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'It's beautiful' he said

'I know' i said turning around and kissing his cheek

'Well come down now are you ok' he asked

'Im fine let's go down' i said but he grabbed my hand, turned me around and kissed my neck

'Stop come on let's go' i said heading downstairs

'Where were you 2'  liam asked

'In Africa ' i said sitting down

'You and your sarcasm' Sapphire said

'Hey you love it' i said

'Well then now what' cole said

'Uh well since everyone's now here let's all have a partyyyyy' i yelled

'No' Lydia and Kevin said

'Ok no party how about we change and watch a movie' I said

'Eh' Kevin said

'How about we all go out it's only 4 what if we go to the beach' i said

'YESSSS' We all yelled

'Right we need bikinis' Sapphire said

'I have some the boys can borrow kevins or Ashers' Lydia said and we headed upstairs

'They are just normal bikinis' she said and threw me a blue one and got herself a black one and gave sapphire a red one

'Well im getting changed in my room' i said walking into the room and saw Asher putting on a shirt

'Hey' he said and i threw my bikini on the bed and hugged him

'I'll see you downstairs I'm driving you' he said

'I'll be down in 10 minutes' i said and when he walked out the room I closed the blinds and took off my clothes and put on my bikini and put my clothes on top and put on some sandals and walked downstairs

'Ashers in the car' lyida said and i walked outside and into his car

'Let's go' he said

'Where's the others' I asked

'They already went' he said pulling out the driveway and driving off

'I'm tired' i said

'Yeah you always are' he said

'Rude' i pouted and he laughed

Around 20 minutes later he pulled up and i got out and saw sapphire taking off her clothes

I opened the boot and i took off my shirt and shorts and sapphire hugged me and i picked her up

'YAYYYYY' she yelled and Lydia cane up to us with a camera and took a picture

'BEACH TIMEEEEE' I yelled and i took off my sandals and threw then in the boot

'RACE YOU BITCH' Sapphire yelled and took off and i took off after her and went past her but she jumped on my back making us both fall and we saw 2 little feet come up to us

'Ha i won' luke said

'Lucky he didn't say bitch.' Sapphire said

'Shut up' i said and when i turned around Asher was there and picked me up

'ASHER WHAT THE HELL MAN PUT ME DOWN' I yelled and he dropped me in water

'Fuck you' i said and he laughed and i started coughing and then when he wasn't paying attention i swept him off his feet making him fall into the water and i ran off

'ALEX YOUR DEAD' he yelled and i started running as he was hot on my tail


'Nope' he said grabbing me

'GUYS WHO WANTS ICECREAM' Kevin yelled and i pushed Asher and ran


'Then go get us all some' he said handing me $20

'Im joking EVERYONE COME ON' he said and i saw Lydia on the phone and I walked up to her

'No make the sleeves lace  and mermaid at the bottom' she said

'Yes I'll send you the design bye' she said

'Uh Lydia are you coming' i asked and she nodded and we ran to the ice cream store and i saw Kevin on the phone too

The heck

'No I want the suite black' he said

'I'll come in and tell you which one ok bye' he said and hung up and walked to the line next to Lydia ; i went next to Asher

'Where were you' he asked

'With Lydia' i said and we got to the front

'Can we have two oreo icecreams' Asher said

'That's will be $4.78' the man said and i handed him $5

'Here you 2 go enjoy' he said

'Thank you' i said and we sat down

'Let's go home after this' Lydia said and we all nodded and after we ate we walked to the cars and we got out towels and dried ourselves off and i walked into the bathroom taking off my bikini and putting on my old clothes and i put the bikini in in a bag and sat in his car

'Let's go' he said and we headed home and i walked upstairs and changed into some shorts and a shirt then i sat sat on the bed and felt kisses on my neck and my face and i turned around

'Hey' i said and before he answered i pulled down his head and kissing his lips and he an got me up and sat me on his lap as we were kissing and i took off his shirt

'You sure' he asked

'Yeah' i said and he took off my shirt.....

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