Chapter Thirty-Two

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Candace Miller

I was flipping through the song selections on Just Dance. What to choose, what to choose...

"Nick! What song?" I called.

"COTTON EYE JOE!" He screamed, running in the room. His iPhone was pressed to his ear.

"No!" I groaned. "We always play that one."

"You're just jealous that I beat you every time." He stuck out his tongue. "Fine, play that one song you like... What is it called? ' 'Cause it's easy once you know how it's done, you can't stop now, it's already begun, you feel it runnin' through your bones...' " Nick hummed a few lines.

"And you jerk it out!" I laughed. I quickly scanned the songs till I found Jerk It Out by Caesar. "Come on!"

"Hang on, I'm talking to Vinny." Nick turned his back to me. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay, great. Yeah. Five minutes? Good. 'Kay. Bye, bro."

He tossed his phone onto the couch and strapped on the remote. "Let's do this."

"Ha! I win! I beat the almighty ICONic Boy!" I jumped up and down, laughing. Nick was sulking on the floor as I danced around him. Suddenly, his hand flashed out and caught my ankle, making me fall and faceplant his carpet.

"Guess I deserved that..." I muttered into the floor. His laughter was interrupted by a shrill ringing. His doorbell.

"Vincent is here!" I cheered, getting up and racing Nick to the door. "Vinny!" We shouted and tackle-hugged him.

"I'm loved!" He laughed, kicking his shoes off and shutting the door behind him.

"So. What shall we do?" Nick asked, leading us to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and got out three cans of Coca Cola.

"Well," I took a long drink of pop. "We could keep playing Just Dance, or go outside, or Ustream, or I could kick your asses at Soul Caliber IV, or we could-"

"Excuse me? I am the champion at Soul Caliber IV." Vinny scoffed.

"Are you both high? I am beast at that game." Nick rolled his eyes at us.

"Is that a challenge?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes, fair maiden, I believe it is." Vinny answered for him.

"Fair maiden my ass. Hey, Vin, will you go get my phone?" Nick drained his Coke and tossed the can in the trash. Vinny left the kitchen as I let out a loud belch.

Nick laughed and high fived me. "Gotta give that one props." I grinned, proud of my fantastic burping skills.

"What's taking Vinny so long?" I asked. Nick shrugged and said, "Go see." So I did.

Let me ask myself this; Why did I let Vincent go to get Nick's phone when it was the same device that recorded me and Madison kissing? Maybe because I thought Vinny knew better than to snoop through his best friends phone? Maybe because I thought Nick had possibly deleted the one thing that could ruin my life? Oh, no. I was wrong about all of that.

"Vinny?" I asked.

"His phone was ringing so I answered. The other person hung up before I said anything and... this video was there so I thought 'What could it hurt?' But... You kissed Madison." He chuckled humorlessly. "Tell Nick I had to go. And Candace..."

"Yeah?" I said sadly, taking the phone from his outstretched hand.

"Stay grand." He said with no emotion. I watched him put on his Vlados and walk out the door without another glance.

"You too, Vincent." I whispered to the empty room.

It had been two weeks since I'd last seen Vinny. I knew he was upset, so I didn't walk to his house or call him or text. I was surprised when he texted me, though.

From GrandMan: How have you been?

Staying grand for you. Was all I replied with.

Did it imply that I still thought of him, still had feelings for him? Maybe so. I didn't want to lead him on but I just couldn't let that boy go. I have to though. I still have Mikey and Madison to deal with.

Madison still flirted but we talked about the kiss and both knew nothing like that would ever happen again. And as for Mikey... I was in love. I was in love with Michael Elio Fusco.

I tried to push my boy troubles aside so I could perfect my dancing for ABDC. That made me so nervous, just thinking about performing in front of all those people...

Not to mention the fact that Madison and I were the lovers of the dance and Geo wouldn't allow me and Mikey to date. For now, at least.

It was like Romeo and Juliet, in a way.

Hopefully, after all this drama ends and we go back to our somewhat normal lives, Mikey and I end up together. Vinny will find a girl that deserves him. Madison, too. And Jason. And, heck, all the other ICONic Boyz. Maybe I'll make up with my family... No, on second thought, I don't want to.

Don't get your hopes up, my story isn't over yet. This is just the beginning.

                                                 -The End. For Now-

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