Chapter Twenty-Six

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Madison Alamia

 "I thought they'd never leave." I sighed dramatically, sitting on the couch beside Candace.

 "You love them." She smirked.

  "That doesn't mean I want them at my house twenty-four seven."

 She laughed and turned on the t.v. That wasn't the only thing she turned on, if you know what I mean. Now, let me explain. I'm not talking about myself when I say she turns people on. I'm talking about Mikey. And he'd better not try anything with her...

   ''Candace." I looked around, to make sure Mom wasn't near us. Good, she was in her room. Probably video chatting with Dad. "If Mikey tried to have sex with you, would-"

  "Madison. I am thirteen." Candace said through her teeth.

 "Would you do it with him?" I demanded, taking her hand in my own.

  "I'm not a slut."

  "We've gone over this. It's been established that you aren't and never will be. Just answer me."

 She looked me in the eye for a few moments before taking a deep breath. "Honestly? I probably would. Because I'm young, and I fall in love fast. My first love wasn't Mikey... It was Danny Phantom, that old cartoon character. And I believe that Mikey and I are in love, that we'll be together forever. I know it seems stupid, but I get like that. If he were to... try that, I'd probably give in to him. I'd get caught up in the moment and wouldn't even think of the reality of the situation."

  "You can't. Candace, I know Mikey would never take advantage of you on purpose like that but... He's a teenage boy. With raging horomones and only one thing on the mind at certain moments. I would know. And you're a beautiful girl that causes those things to stir inside of him." I laughed a little. "You do it to us all."


 "Even Louis. At some point in time, you've done something to each of us that has turned us on. At least once."

  "You're kidding," She grinned, thinking I was joking.

 "I'm really not. Remember that one time we were at Vin's house and he shared Nutella with you? And you licked it off of the spoon then put it back in his mouth? Boner. When you danced with Nick and he slipped and you both fell, with you on top and nearly kissing him? Boner. When Jason gave you a piggy back ride and-"

 "Okay, okay, I get it." She turned red and hid her face with her hair. I turned her head toward me.

 "This will sound weird and creepy and probably come out wrong but... You don't have to do anything to turn me on. Just being you makes me ecstatic that you get to live with me, because I get to see you all the time. You're ultimately perfect, and all of us realize it. Mikey just happened to win." I started to lean forward.

  Candace pulled back. "Madison, that is so sweet of you and it means the world to me but... I can't kiss any more of the ICONic Boyz. I've already kissed two, and you guys-" She clapped a hand over her mouth.

  I was on my feet instantly. "Who?"

  "No one-"

 "Who?" I said more firmly.


 "Candace. Tell me or I'm asking each guy personally."

  "No! Don't. It was before Mikey and I started dating and... Forget I said anything." She stood up, her nose almost touching mine before she moved into the kitchen.

  "You know I'll go to everyone and ask. Then when they say no, they'll know there is another person you've kissed and be curious as to who it is. They'll ask. Won't rest without knowing. You'd better just tell me now before-"

  "Vinny! It was Vinny, okay?" Candace turned around, stress showing on her face.

   "What?" I choked. WHAT?


Candace Miller

 Already the memory was flooding back into my brain, along with every emotion I felt that night. Utter joy at first, with holding his hand. Then comfort when I snuggled up to him on the couch. Having his arms around me, crying, the kiss... Both of them.

  I was just starting to get over Vinny and then Madison makes me tell him and the thought of Vin makes my heart thud. With Mikey, my heart skips a beat altogether.

  If Madison had never tried to kiss me-

 Shit. Not him too.

  "Vin...You... Bu... When?" Madison stuttered.

"When I spent the night with him." I admitted guiltily. Madison shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

  "Just choose someone already!" He swallowed and didn't look back at me as he walked up to our room.

 Just choose someone already...

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