Chapter Twenty-Three

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Candace Miller

Oh my God. Breathe, Candace, breathe. Everything's fine. You're okay. And if something goes wrong, remember that you won't be here forever- you will be home soon enough. You're okay. Calm down.

  "You know Julian," Vinny opened the door for me and had started introducing the boys. Julian ran up and tackled me with a hug.

  "I can't believe you really came! Vin and Mad and Mikey and Jason and Nick all told us you'd come but I didn't believe you actually would! I haven't seen you in so long, you lookin' good, girl!" Always hyper, Julian rambled out.

  "Uh, thanks." I laughed and patted his back.

 "That's Tristan, Joey, Jared, Nicholas, Christopher, Joshua, and John." Madison introduced the rest. Breathe, Candace. They're nice. And funny. You love funny people. Stop standing there like an awkward idiot and joke with them! Laugh at the jokes! Talk! Dance! Anything!

  "You excited to be on ABDC?" Julian asked me. Geo walked in then, and my group left me alone, surrounded by all new people. It's cool. I'll yell at them later. Just be friendly, Candace, smile!

  "Not really. I mean, like I have really bad stage fright and suck at dancing... I have no idea why I'm going."

  "You're a good dancer." The one named John said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Madison recorded you dancing in your bathroom once and uploaded it to YouTube." He grinned.

  "Madison!" I gasped, turning to him.

 "What?" He looked confused. Then his eyes widened and he turned on John. "What did you tell her?! Was it about the toothbrush? It was, wasn't it?"

 "I told her about the bathroom video... You told her about the toothbrush thing."

 "What toothbrush thing?" I crossed my arms. No one talked except Vinny and Louis laughing in the background.

  "Okay, okay. I couldn't find my toothbrush last week, so I used yours. I've been using it ever since." Madison kept his eyes on the ground.

 My mouth fell open. "You what?! I've been using that and... You have been... Ew! Dude!"

   "It's basically as if you two have made out every day for the past week." Christopher said. I punched his arm, then Madison's.

  "Who's been making out with my girlfriend?" Mikey asked, stepping forward.

 I kissed his cheek. "Madison, if you ever use my toothbrush again..." I didn't finish the threat.

  "You're dating Spikey Mikey?!" Joey shrieked. Everyone in the room turned to stare. Mikey had his arm around my waist, which they gaped at. My cheeks grew hot and I stared at the floor.

 "Am I?" I whispered so low that only Mikey heard.

 "Do you want to be?" He countered.

 "I would say 'Guys, let's get to work' but I'm curious about this, too." Geo said, walking over to us. "Are you guys dating?"

 "It's up to you." I whispered back.

 "Yeah, we are. And I'm the luckiest guy in the world." Mikey smiled, tightening his arm around my waist.


I was panting and sweaty and surprised that Mikey still wanted to hug me. I was surprised at myself that I hugged his sweaty self also.

  "Candace?" Geo called me over. He was standing in front of a guy that looked to be seventeen. I couldn't see his face, though.

  "He's here to pick you up?" Geo questioned. Then the guy turned.

 "Dustin?" I asked. It was my cousin. I hadn't seen him since I was nine, and we went to Oklahoma for Christmas. What was he doing in New Jersey?

  "Hey, cuz. Where are your bags? I'm here to drive take you to the airport so we can fly home and go to the funeral." 

 "What funeral?"

  "Your dad's."

 "I... No one told me about the funeral."

  "But... You mean you aren't packed?" He looked puzzled.

 "No! When is it?"

 "It's tomorrow. We need to get to the airport as soon as possible though." Dustin checked the time on his watch.

  "I... What?!" I gasped, still shocked. No one told me anything. Mikey came up behind me.

 "What's wrong?" He asked, eyeing Dustin.

  "I have to go." I mumbled, and walked over to wear all of our gym bags were piled. I didn't bring one, so I just grabbed my phone.

  "This fucks everything up. I'm sorry, I hate to take you from dance but... We really need to get going." Dustin sighed.

  "Watch your language in my dance studio." Geo said sternly. Dustin apologized.

  "Go where?" Madison had moved closer to me. I could tell instantly that they didn't trust my cousin, and it touched my heart that they wanted to protect me.

  "I'm sorry, who are you?" Dustin asked, looking at the guys who surrounded me.

 "Over protective best friends. I have to go to Oklahoma, for dad's funeral." I answered for them before someone made a smartass remark.

  "We have to stop and pick up your things." Dustin said to me, pulling his car keys from his pocket. Mikey turned me around and kissed me hard on the lips. I would have kissed back just as hard but with all of the guys, Geo, and my cousin in the room, I couldn't.

  "Call me." He murmured as I moved towards the door.

 "It's my fault that we're going to be late... But eh, what the hell." Dustin said out the door. Geo sighed in irritation. I paused before I left and turned to face everyone.

  "I bid you farewell." I bowed deeply and turned without a word.


Mikey Fusco

 "She's perfect." I sighed, happily.

 "We've lost him." Nick muttered.

 "He's gone to the dark side." Madison shook his head.

  "I thought he'd be the last to go." Christopher said sadly. I ignored them and picked up my phone.

To Candace: Miss you already. </3

  Miss you more. Wish you could come to the funeral.

   I do too. Stay strong,

   Stand GRAND. :)

 Geo sighed. "Tell her we said hi and get back to the routine, Mikey."

  Geo and the boys say hi. :) Gotta go, <3

   Hi back. Call/text/whatever after. <3 She replied. I smiled to myself and went back to dancing.

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