Chapter Twenty-Four

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Vinny Castronovo

That was it. Mikey had won. He had won the beautiful heart of Candace Miller. But maybe he had had it all along...

  I still loved her. Of course I did. I don't think there would be a time that I wouldn't. Even if she and Mikey were dating... Even if they had kissed before she left... Even if it broke my heart.

  "This sucks." I said. We were all eating pizza at Albivi's.

 "What does?" Thomas asked.

  "We can't even go to Billy's funeral."

 "Yeah... And it would have been nice to support Candace." He agreed.

 "Just think; she's on a plane right now, going thousands of miles away. Did you ever think that maybe..." Madison started, then cut off, shaking his head.

  "Think what?" Jason asked, drinking gatorade.

 "Well... All of her family is in Oklahoma. Maybe being around them will make her want to stay there and... her dad will be buried there tomorrow. What if she doesn't come back?"

  Mikey, who had been taking a drink of Coke, coughed and spit out his mouthful of pop. He choked for a minute. I reached over and patted his back, knowing what he was feeling.

  It was possible. She wouldn't want to leave Billy. What would happen if she didn't come back? We'd be a train reck.

  "Sh-she wouldn't-" Mikey coughed out.

 "She wouldn't leave Mikey. She wouldn't leave us..." Louis shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows.

 Candace was unpredictable. So we couldn't know for sure. Would she leave us? Mikey? Me?


Candace Miller

Jet lag sucks. It seriously freaking sucks. I groaned and slid into my mother's car at the airport. It had been a long, boring plane ride with Dustin.

  I was in the car for maybe three minutes when my phone had a spaz-attack with texts.

 Spikey Mikey: Hey! Miss you! How's Oklahoma? <3

 Thomas: Miss u

 GrandMan: Oklahoma isn't better than NJ, right? :)

  Jase: Not the same without you! <|3

  MadBoy: You best not replace me.

Madison's text confused me. I quickly replied to them all, even sending one to Nick and Louis.

 To Spike Mikey: Miss you too! It's... okay. :/ <3

 To Thomas: Miss you too T-Money!

 To GrandMan: It will NEVER be better than NJ. :)

 To Jase: I know! Miss you NoBonez!

 To Nicholicious: Miss you Nickyballz :)

 To Louis: Miss you Da Pitbull!

 To MadBoy: What are you talking about?

  Madison replied. You're coming back, right? Won't find anyone to replace your best friend? Or boyfriend? Or other best friends?

 Yes I'm coming back! WTFusco are you talking about?!

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