Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mikey Fusco

 I stood in front of my mirror, practicing the dance moves for ABDC. I was so excited to go back on there, it was unbelievable.

  "Mikey!" Mom shouted.

 "Yeah mom?" I said, opening my door. Her and Nicholette had been cooking dinner together in the kitchen.

 They were talking in hushed whispers when I entered the room, but quickly stopped and turned to me.

 "Mikey, what's this I hear about you having a girlfriend?" Mom said, leaning against the cabinet. I shrugged and hopped up on our granite counter top, looking at my swinging feet.

    "So you do have one?" My sister asked.

 "Yeah." I mumbled. I was proud to call Candace my girlfriend, I really was, it was just that... Mom and Nicholette tend to overreactic about things. Make a big deal about everything.

  "What's her name?" Mom was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

 "Candace. You've met my best friend before."

  "That's who it is? I thought she was dating Vinny." Nicholette commented.I snapped.

   "Why does everyone think they're dating?! Or that they should?! She's dating me, not Vinny. People need to realize that we're happy together and leave it at that!" I jumped down and started to leave the kitchen.

  "Hey, hey! Michael, what's gotten into you? You are never snappy like that." Mom rarely called me Michael.

  "I'm sorry. It's just that it seems like everyone is against us dating. They'd rather she be with Vinny, not me." I sighed.

 "I didn't know." Nicholette said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

 I shrugged again and went back up to my room. But my dad stopped me in the hallway.

  "Mike," He said. I turned around. "Call her over for dinner." Dad grinned at me and winked. I smiled and called Candace.


 I walked to the Alamia house, to get my lovely girlfriend. We were walking back to my house since she insisted that it wasn't that far of a walk and a waste to drive.

  "It's the return of the... "Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding,
he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"
And Dr. Dre said... nothing you idiots!
Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement!
Feminist women love Eminem
"Slim Shady, I'm sick of him
Look at him, walkin around grabbin his you-know-what
Flippin the you-know-who," "Yeah, but he's so cute though!"
Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose
But no worse, than what's goin' on in your parents' bedrooms." Candace was an admirable rapper. "Sorry, it's stuck in my head." She said sheepishly, looking down.

  "I would do the next part but... It isn't really kid appropriate."

 She laughed and squeezed my hand. "You really have no idea how amazing you are."

"You know what else I am? I'm sexy and I know it!" I started doing our dance the boys and I invented. Where we wildly swing our arms behind us. I got a few glares from people walking around us but it was worth it, just to see her laugh.

  "Very true. I'm proud to know you." Candace kissed my cheek.

 "Thank you, babe." People probably think we're too young to be saying I love you, plus the fact we haven't been dating for more than a few days. But I've gone through so much with this girl, that the least I can do is say I love you and call her babe.

  "You know what song I haven't heard in a while? Or sang?" She asked.


  "Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at her butt."

 "Tunechi!" I finished and we laughed again.

 My house came into view and we walked slowly up to the door. I held the door open for her and introduced her to my family. We actually sat at the table for dinner, something we hardly ever did.

   "So. Candace." My mom said, sipping her drink. "Tell us about yourself." Oh God, could this be any more embarrassing?

  "Uh, what do you want to know?" Candace smiled politely.

 "Favorite color, ice cream flavor, candy, song, movie, singer/songwriter, dance move, food," Dad suggested.

 "Okay. Red, cookies and cream, Snickers, The Motto, Titanic, Eminem, cat daddy, steak." She smiled, managing to answer each question.

  Mom and Dad exchanged a smile with each other before Dad shook her hand. "Welcome to the family."

  I turned bright red and finished the brisket that was served.


"Oh my God, that was embarrassing. I'm so sorry." I said after we stepped foot off of my drive way.

 "No, it was fine. I love your family."

"They seem to love you too. But not as much as I do," It was cheesy, I know. She cracked a grin and kissed my cheek.

  The moon was out, lighting up the sidewalk we walked on.

 "Madison's going to be so mad."

   "Why?" I asked.

 "I'm out late. With you.'' Candace looked at me.

  "What could we possibly be doing, alone, late at night?" I murmured, pulling her close to me.

 "I don't have the slightest idea." She whispered.

  I smiled. "It's not like we could actually do anything at my house, with Mom and Dad not letting you leave their sight and Nicholette following us around the house. And we can't do anything right now, since we're in public at night and people might think I'm raping you."

  Candace laughed lightly. "Madison has a creative imagination." Her phone started ringing. I glanced at the screen over her shoulder.

   "Fourteen missed calls from him?!" I gasped. She smiled and turned her phone off. I looked at her quizzically.

  "I have to spend every waking moment talking to him. And I'd rather spend time with you." Candace said quietly, kissing my lips gently. I smiled into the kiss.

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