Chapter Two

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(A/N: Okay, I'm going to try and establish the feelings between characters in this story. Note: I mean no offense to ANY of the boys in the story because I love them all :) But this is just a story and thanks for reading.)

   Madison Alamia

Thomas and Louis said they would meet us later, Geo needed them at ICON. Nick was needed at home, and Vinny had to work at Albivi. Mikey had left with Nick. They had stayed over for about a half hour, which wasn't long.

  I pulled out my phone and called Mom at work. She answered quickly, knowing we were home alone. And us, plus our friends, plus no adult supervision equals bad news.

  "Hello?" She asked.

 "Mom? Hey I was wondering if maybe the boys could stay the night."

 "Well, I guess, but is Candace okay with it? Tell her she can stay with one of her friends if she wants to so she doesn't have to put up with you boys all night."

  "She'll be fine with it. She likes the boys," I grinned, although she couldn't see it.

 "Do I need to supervise?" Mom got on the protective tone. "I know how much of a flirt some of those boys are and-"

 "No, Mom, I'll be there. You know how I am." I was protective of Candace.

  "Yes," She sighed. "Still, she may want to hang out with Bianca or something."

 "Okay, fine."

  "Call me later. Love you, be careful."

 "Love you too. When will you get home?"

  "Probably around eight."

 "Okay, cool. Bye, Mom." I hung up. Dad goes on the trips with the Millers' because they're buisness partners and whatever.

  "Candace!" I yelled, unsure of where she was.

 "What?" She called down the stairs. She must be in our room. I walked up to the room and opened the door.

  "Who you texting?" I on the bed, looking over her shoulder at the screen.

 "No one." Candace answered quickly and turned the phone away from my view.

 "Well, now you have to show me." I said, lunging for the iPhone. Man, I loved being faster than her. The phone vibrated as soon as it left her hand.

  "Madison!" She whined as I held it out of reach and read the text.

 Spikey Mikey: Haha yeah :) What are you doing?

 "You really aren't helping yourself. First you deny texting anyone, then I find out it's Mikey!" I teased, grinning.

  "Atleast let me text him back," She pleaded.

 I slid my finger over the unlock rectangle at the bottom of the screen and tapped a quick reply.

 Nothing really.. Just thinking of you. ;)

 I laughed and hit send.

 "What did you put?!" Candace jumped from the bed and grabbed the phone away. "Madison!" She punched my arm when she read what I put.

  "What did he say back?" I said, still laughing.

 "'I get that a lot. Haha, thanks boo' Then he put a winky face. I'm going to kill you!" She wrote something back and tossed the phone on the bed.

  "Anyways, I came up here to tell you the guys might stay the night and Mom said you could stay with Bianca and Alessandra tonight if you want." I took her phone again and made a group message.

  To: Spikey Mikey, Thomas, Louis, Nicholicious, GrandMan, Jase

  Hey, spend the night? - Mad

   Mikey was first to reply. Yeah. And thanks for sending that -_-

  Thomas: Can't make it. Doctor appointment in the morning. Twisted ankle.

  Nicholicious: I be there! T-Money what happened?

 Louis: I can.

 Thomas: Never dougie on a wet floor at ICON.

Jason: I can come. Be careful, T

 Vinny: Tonight will be GRAND! I'll come over after work. Get better T!

 Me: Great! Thomas, never dougie on a wet floor. Never DANCE on a wet floor. Get better! And Mikey, send what? Candace said that entirely on her own ;D

  Mikey: Yeah right Mad Boy. :P

"So, the boys can come. Tommy twisted his ankle and can't come though. You staying?" I asked Candace, putting her phone back down.

 "Uh... I guess I'll stay." She sighed, laying down on her back.

  "Staying for Mikey, you mean." I laughed.

 "Why do you think I like him so much?" Candace asked after she lightly hit me again.

 I grew serious after she asked. "It's like... how you are around him. Always laughing and smiling and joking when Mikey's around. He's the same way. He always flirts with you and acts like your married or something but when someone else does it you don't flirt back or anything."

  "But he doesn't like me and I don't-"

 "You do like him. We all know it. But whether Mikey likes you... you'll have to figure it out." I said. I knew Mikey liked her. Who didn't know that? Truth is, all of us have liked her at some point. First it was Nick. Then Louis. Then Thomas. Jason was most recent. I didn't know about Vin, though. I would never admit it but Mikey and I both liked her now. It just didn't show with me.

  "When are they coming over?" She changed the subject.

 I looked at my watch. 12:17.

 "I don't know. Vin is coming after his shift at Albivi's which should be ending soon. Probably around one."

 "Great." She sighed. "I need to get ready. Leave." Candace shoved me to the door.

 "Who you trying to impress?" I winked as she shut the door. "You know you like the spikes!" I called. Yeah, I was positive she liked Spikey Mikey.

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