Chapter One

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Candace Miller

"Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at her butt."

That's what I usually woke up to. Madison was always up before me, which was surprising.

"Candace! Wake up!" Madison was jumping on my bed now. I didn't move. "I'll do it, you know." He whispered, flopping down beside me, then rolling on top of me. Something warm and wet glided down my cheek.

"Did you just lick my face?!" My eyes snapped open as I sat upright. Madison was shaking with laughter next to me.

"Gross!" I sighed, pushing him off the bed.

He sobered up from his fit of laughter then checked his watch. "Oh, hey, the boys will be here in like ten minutes."

"Okay, and?"

"And, you're hanging with us."

"What? Why? It's summer vacation! Why do I have to spend it with them?" I couldn't help but smile.

"Because they loooooooooooove you." He drug out the word. "So come on. Get up, get up!"

I leaned back down on the bed, pulling the sheets over my head.

"Candace, don't make me bring Mikey up here. I know Spikey Mikey can get you up." There was a smile in his voice as he said that.

"What are you implying, Madison?" I asked calmly.

"I know how you feel about Mikey." He winked and ran from our room. I listened as his feet as he nimbly jumped down the staircase.

"I feel nothing about Mikey!" I shouted down the stairs at him, shutting the door.

Instantly my phone vibrated on the desk.

New Text Message From: Spikey Mikey. Honestly, babe, that hurts. </3

You're here?

Yeah. Why you be breakin' my heart? I thought what we had was special.

I'm only gonna break, break yo- break, break yo' heart. I replied before changing into a pair of Madison's shorts. They were baggy and comfortable. Perfect.

Then I changed into a plain blue shirt. Voices came from the other side of the door. I recognized them immediately. Mikey and Vinny.

They threw open the door, not caring whether I had clothes on or not.

"How you doin'?" Vinny sat on Mad's bed.

"Just great," I turned my back on them to make my own bed. "Why are you guys here?" I said in a friendly tone.

Arms wrapped around my waist that I ignored. "Were a dance crew. What do you think were doing here?" Mikey's voice was close to my ear.

I turned my head to look into his eyes.

"Knew it." Madison said, appearing in the doorway.

"Knew what?" Nick said behind him.

"They're totally dating." Thomas said.

"I thought she was dating Vinny," said Louis.

"I thought she was dating Madison." Jason grinned.

"Single swag. Forever alone." I clarified, stepping away from Mikey.

"Besides, why would she choose Mad Boy or Grand Man over this?" He grinned, pulling up his shirt. I admit, Mikey had very nice abs. I laughed as he started dancing right then and there.

"Y'all ain't got nothin' on me." He panted at the end.

"Come at me, bro," Madison retaliated with his own dance moves. Honestly, the room just wasn't big enough. I squeezed past the boys at the door and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Skeet, skeet, skeet. Water gun. Oh my God, Becky, look at her butt. Tonechi." Nick followed, sitting down on top of the table.

"Now she want a photo, you already know though, you only living once that's the motto- YOLO." I said, smiling.

"Hey, you should hang out with us this summer," Nick said as I opened a Pop-Tart package.

"Why? Don't wanna ruin your 'guy time.'"

"You're basically a guy though."

"Gee, THANKS, Nick." I said sarcastically around the food in my mouth.

"No- no, I meant like, were cool with you, it's like... Woman, you twistin' my words!"

I laughed, nearly choking on the Pop-Tart. Just then, all of the boys came run-dancing down into the kitchen singing Teenage Dream by Katy Perry.

I almost died laughing.

"I'ma get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight," Vinny said, pressing his body on my side.

"Let you put your hands on me, in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight." I sang right back, moving to where I was in a perfect position to kiss kim, then moving away at the last second.

"My heart stops, when you look at me," He continued, putting his hands on my hips from behind.

"Just one touch, now baby I believe!" Madison hopped in front of me. I put my hands on his hips. Jason got behind Vinny, singing next. "This is real, so take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back!"

(A/N: Okay, so, it's not the best story ever but... hey, I love the ICONic Boyz. I'm used to writing more mature stuff, with drama and love and all that but it's kind of hard to do with everyone being either fourteen or under that. And these boys are so fun and carefree that it's hard to create drama within them that seems realistic. But if you read it, thanks. If you like it, thanks a lot. If you don't, no hate please, no one is forcing you to read it.

I know some of you are thinking that the character Candace seems kinda trashy and slutty but she isn't. Come on, if you lived with Madison and the boys were over at your house everyday, you'd flirt too. ;) Anyways, I know this is probably nothing like how the boys act. That's why I'm writing it on how I see everyone and how I think they would act. Thanks!

Be ICONic. Stand GRAND. <3 )

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