Chapter Four

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Mikey Fusco

I remember when Candace first danced in front of us. It was week two of living with Madison for her, and she had never met us before.

We walked through the door and I swear our jaws literally dropped. Madison was a lucky guy, living with her. But she was incredibly shy, and even though Madison and Vinny kept cracking jokes, she would only smile and be awkward.

  Then I brought her out of her shell.

 "Do you dance?" I had asked. The boys caught on to my plan instantly.

  "Nah, she isn't a dancer." Mad said before she could answer.

 "You sure? She has some potential." Nick reasoned.

 "Positive. She hasn't danced a day in her life." Madison was trying not to laugh.

 "Please, I can dance better than you ever could." Candace had a smirk on her face.

 "Really. I don't believe that." I said, standing up from the couch.

 "Wanna bet, Fusco?"

  "Bring it, Miller." And with that, she did dance. Really well, actually. I had to give her props for it.

 We had our own little dance battle in the living room, and I was panting at the end.

 "Call me Mikey." I said between breaths, holding out a hand.

 "Candace." She grinned, shaking it.

   She's been so much more social after that, laughing and joking around. We all really enjoy spending time with her. I've loved her ever since.

 But not the way you think.

  Candace is just my friend. I don't like her in a romantic way. Yeah, she's beautiful and smart and funny but... I'd rather not risk our friendship with a relationship.

   I had almost shared my first kiss with her though.

 My heart was pounding in my chest, and it wasn't from the singing and dancing. Louis was yelling about food in the background but I wasn't paying any attention.

  Her nose was touching mine, we were that close.

 "Not going to happen, Mikey," Candace whispered, and my hope deflated.

 "Why not?" I tried.

  "We aren't like that." Still, she didn't move away from me. I got even closer, my forehead on hers.

 "Is it because you like Jason?" The thought always occured to me.

 "I don't like Jase."

  "Nick?" Everyone liked Nick. He was a ladies man.


  "Madison." It wasn't a question, because it had to be true.

 "Mikey," The way she said my name... "I don't like anyone."

  "I can change that." I whispered, looking down at her lips, then back to her gorgeous eyes. I was positive she could hear my heart hammering.

  Her eyes glanced down to my lips too, but in a second she looked away. Then she moved her whole body, turning to move into the kitchen.

 But the boys had blocked the doorway, gaping at us. Great, I thought to myself.

 "What?" Candace said sharply at them. They coughed and nodded and looked away nonchalantly. So they got to witness my embarrassment too? Awesome.

  I shook my head and moved around Candace, not looking at her, and past the guys. After a moment or two, Madison followed me.

  Yeah, I was angry. Sad. My ego was hurt, and the pounding in my chest had slowed to an aching thud. Why did I even try? She'd never kiss me. I didn't even like her.

  She certainly didn't like me.

 "What's up?" Madison asked as I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Twitter. Mrs. Alamia pretended to do the dishes and not pay attention.

  "Nothing." I muttered.

 "Mikey," Madison sighed, leaning back in a chair.

  "She rejected me like that and..." I gave a humorless chuckle and smirked bitterly.

 "It hurt. I know. Rejection isn't ever fun. But you'll be okay, bro,"

  "R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D, rejected! You just got rejected!" Louis came into the room, chewing his pizza.

  "Not helping, Louis," I sighed. He was just trying to make me laugh, though.

The others walked in after he had said that. Including Candace.

  I looked back at my phone. It got really awkward and quiet after that. Then Vin and Candace left the room. I sighed again.

  "You okay, man?" Nick asked quietly.

  "No. No I'm not." I stood up from the chair, leaving my phone on the counter. Jason led the way back to living room. The guys knew I didn't want to talk about it. And I really didn't.

  I just wish she would've kissed me.

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