"Dobby has brought Mr. Diggory for you, Samantha Potter!"

Samantha smiled at the elf. "Thank you, Dobby, I truly appreciate it!"

"Anytime! Dobby is happy to help the Potters! Now Dobby must go help with breakfast!" he squeaked and then disappeared again.

Cedric yawned and then looked at Samantha. "I wasn't really expecting a house elf as my wake up call."

Samantha laughed slightly. "I didn't plan on that. I was just going to wait for you, sorry."

"No matter."

"I came here because we need to talk."

Cedric sighed and nodded slowly, unsure of what to make of her tone. Even though Samantha did a lot of thinking last night, Cedric did too.

"We do, but first I have something to say," Cedric spoke.

Samantha furrowed her eyebrows but gestured him to continue.

Cedric bit his lip and then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. What I did last night was irrational and wrong. I shouldn't have put you in that position. I was jealous and no right to do that to you. Lately I haven't been liking the person I've been and realizing that I need to let go. I've been letting this jealousy take over my whole life. You and I did have a great relationship but you're right. It's time to move on and realize that you and I are meant to be just friends. I can't begin to apologize for what I've done in the past few weeks. You're very happy with Marcus and that's all that matters. Your happiness doesn't lie with me anymore and that's ok," Cedric spoke and felt a very a big weight lift from his shoulders with each passing sentence.

Samantha let what Cedric said sink in and could not believe it. She saw him speak with confidence and sincerity. His eyes softened with the apology and folded his arms over his chest when he was done.

"Wow," she breathed. "I...uhm...wasn't expecting you to say that."

"Well it's time for me to step up as a man and I feel very proud of myself."

Samantha nodded and then opened her mouth to say what she nodded to say. Cedric caught her and put up his hand. "No, I don't need to here what you have to say. I'm very much at peace with my decision and I hope you understand that I don't want anything swaying it."

"But Cedric—"

"No, Samantha."

She closed her mouth and nodded. "Ok, then where do we go from here?"

"Well I'm not standing in the way of you and Marcus. I would like to be friends but that's yours and Marcus' decision. I also would like to apologize to him too."

"Alright. I would like to be friends too, Cedric. You're one of my best friends."

Cedric smiled.

"And thank you for keeping Marcus in the picture too. I appreciate that."

She couldn't wait to see Marcus with this newfound clarity. Cedric nodded and bid her goodbye with a glance at the nearby wall clock, he only had a half hour to get ready for breakfast.

"Bye Cedric," Samantha said and finally she felt like a door had closed.

She went back to the Common Room to wait for her friends and the feeling of exhaustion was no longer. Samantha felt rejuvenated and like these decisions were the right one. She could be happy with Marcus but still had Cedric's friendship.

The stroll back up the stone steps shaved ten minutes off the half hour they had and she waited for her group.

They came down about five minutes later and looked at Samantha oddly.

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now