Short Bonus Chapter

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One day after the most successful wedding celebration at The Five Symbols Camp, it was a beautiful sunny morning as the sun rays passed through the open window, hitting to the heavy sleeper's head, birds tweeting and standing near the window, and the leaves rustled by a soft gentle wind. They were in the cozy cottage bedroom, snoring on a comfortable bed. The blankets covered almost the whole body of the heavy sleepers. Brownbear, who slept on the on the bed, woke up, stretching his tired muscles, rubbing his tired eyes and got his eyeglasses on the night stand. He put it on his muzzle. He realized that he was naked. What did he do last night after the celebration? Are they having their honeymoon? He didn't plan that yet.

Seeing another furry who slept next to him, he didn't know who was sleeping beside him since he didn't remembered last night. Being a hesitant, he didn't care and went near, caressing the blonde hair of his partner who was sleeping peacefully.

"Good morning, my little Sweetpaws!" greeted Brownbear as he caressed his partner's hair.

When Brownbear caressed the hair, a furry suddenly opened his or her eyes and slowly turning back. After turning back to see someone caressing his or her hair, the furry who was sleeping next to Brownbear is his brother -- James. He was just wearing a wig. Who pranked him by putting a blonde wig on his head?

Brownbear and James suddenly jerked up from the bed, sinisterly screaming as they covered their bare body with their blanket. Then, they faced at each other, screaming once again.

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