Chapter 14: Meeting Humpty Dumpty I

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Walking into the office of Humpty Dumpty I after Mike let Brownbear and his friends entered, they are amazed by its spacious room. The flaming torches illuminated the whole office, making it so bright as a sun.

"Wow!" they were amazed, gazing around his office.

It is just bigger than Brownbear's working station at his dream house. A wooden table desk placed in front of them with a name indicator made out of granite on it, a white silky couch with a huge space to sit, staircases going up to his bedroom, large bookshelves are surrounded around his office, five busts made out marble and slate arranged according to how old were his forefathers ruled, and magical items arranged and placed in a glass drawer at the left side.

Talking about the five busts, Brownbear walks to it and takes a closer look with narrowed eyes. The first bust is the Lucky Dude master whose species is a old orangutan, second bust is the Regardful master whose species is an ox, third bust is an Elites master whose species is an orca, fourth bust is an Innocent Angel master whose species is a vixen with an odd look, lastly, is a Demon Hunter master whose species is a bear like him and he is the first leader, professor and master of The Five Symbols Camp.

While Brownbear is still taking a closer look, he glanced at the names of the founders of The Five Symbols Camp.

Horace A. Orangton
The Lucky Dude Master

Gertrude Lance B. Oxford
The Elites Master

Killery E. Orkaston
The Regardful Master

Ytelle Z. Foxtrot
The Innocent Angel Master

Jovian P. Bearhunter
The Demon Hunter
The Five Symbols Master

"Hmm, how can those masters could be the heroes of this camp?" mumbled Brownbear, adjusting his eyeglasses for a better view.

James went near to Brownbear and took a closer look at the busts.

"Umm, those masters of the academy are sure to be the true heroes." answered James doubtfully, his eyes narrowed at the bust. Brownbear pouted same as what he did when he and James were in the underground cave.

Aqua, Vanessa, and Doggie were gazing at the bookshelves surrounded with colorful books stocked according to its proper section.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew the flaming torches out, making them flinched with a gasp. They glanced at the torches flamed out as the smoke flew away from the ashes.

"Who's there?" gasped Brownbear in a quick tone.

They were searching for something that is making them in trouble as their eyes widened in fear.

Then, something shiny appeared above the staircases, shining through them. Someone used his power to ignite the torches back by clapping. Then, he showed up after he used his power -- Humpty Dumpty I.

Humpty Dumpty I is the master, chief and leader of The Five Symbols Camp. His body shape is like an egg -- actually. He is also known as the "Good Lord" or sometimes the furries in the camp called him by many of his names -- professor, chief, doctor, lord, Dumpty, Humpty the First, and any other higher ranks or names. He wears a classic red tuxedo with a golden watch with a chain that is placed in the tuxedo pocket, and a white suit with a red bow tie on his neck, a golden crown surrounded by five rubies with a number one placed above the crown on his head, brown leather boots with long socks and white silky gloves. He has his staff on his hand with a diamond-shaped sapphire on top as his weapon.

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