Chapter 12: The Train to The Five Symbols Camp

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James and Doggie went into the control center with a surprize. In the control center of the train, there were some small and big buttons, long levers, a string attached on a horn, furnace, and some smudgy coals in the old trunk.

"Furs! That's what you called a control center?!" surprized James, fanning himself with despair.
"Really?" whispered Doggie with confusion.

When Doggie was searching for something, James put his paw hand and accidentally pushed the large red button near him. He flinched and gasped as he saw the red button blinking, moving backward in terror and hit his head at the furnace with a clang.

"Ow, not again!" said James with clumsiness, moving backward again and accidentally pulled the lever upward behind him. The horn honked awfully loud as the gray smoke comes out from the train chimney.

In the train and baggage station, Brownbear, Aqua, and Vanessa flinched and glanced at the operated train as they heard the honk of the train horn with a surprize.

"Oh no, the train!" surprized Aqua.
"Maybe Dude and Doggie found the way to operate the train." said Brownbear, stopped reading the book.
"What are you waiting for?! Let's go!" exclaimed Vanessa, tapping the counter thrice.

Brownbear closed and left the manual book and ran to the train with Aqua and Vanessa.

Back in the control center, Doggie glared at James for operating the train.

"James, what did you do?!" shouted Doggie angrily.
"I have no idea! It-it-it was an accident!" said James, feeling under pressure.
"Accident?! Now what?! We are going to leave Brownbear, Aqua, and Vanessa there outside?!" shouted Doggie angrily as her blood veins in her head starts thumping.
"I-I-I don't know how to stop this train!" said James anxiously.
"Wait, what?!" cried Doggie.

The train was fully powered and started running on the railroad  heading west. When they almost reached to the train, Vanessa reached the train by jumping to the iron bars near the train door, holding it while Brownbear and Aqua ran to the train.

"Come on, grab my paw!" said Vanessa, giving them her paw hand to give Brownbear and Aqua a lift.
"Aqua, you go first!" said Brownbear, carried and helped Aqua grabbed Vanessa's paw hand.

Vanessa already grabbed Aqua's paw hand and carried her to the train, going to catch Brownbear.

"Come on, Brownbear, you can do it!" shouted Vanessa, waiting for Brownbear to grab her paw hand.

After, Brownbear grabbed Vanessa's paw hand and got landed at the back of the train by her.

In the control center, James and Doggie started to panic.

"What we will gonna do now?!" shouted Doggie, breathing heavily.
"I don't know! I will try those controls and buttons!" panicked James, quickly started pressing and controlling the buttons and controls.
"How about that lever?" asked Doggie, glances at the lever.
"I'll try to pull it down." answered James.

James tried to pull the lever down with a struggle.

"James, not with much struggle, maybe it might broke-" said Doggie when suddenly James accidentally broke the lever with a snap.
"Uh-oh!" surprized James, holding the broken lever.
"James, now what?!" shouted Doggie frustratedly.

When James thought of something, he had an idea.

"Aha, maybe my hockey stick can replace as a lever!" said James as he got an idea.
"Here we go again!" said Doggie, rolling her eyes, bit her muzzle.
"Yeah, maybe it might-, oh no!" gasped James when he was going to get his weapon from his back but it suddenly lost.
"You...lost your hockey stick?" squealed Doggie with a huge surprize.
"I swear, my hockey stick was behind my back and how come I lost it?!" said James, feeling frustrated.
"And now what we will do now?!" exclaimed Doggie.

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