Chapter 46: I love you

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Ugh!!!! He's driving me crazy! He's back to being nice and fun like he used to in Philippines for 2 weeks. I loved that side of him. Now he's showing it to me again and my heart can't help but beat for this new Jimin. I'm-I'm not falling for him am I? I-I can't be. I just want to know is he's usually like this or not.

I was stuck so deep in my thoughts that I ate everything without realising it. The tray was completely empty.

"Hey...Uh there's someone here to meet you".


I followed Jimin out in the living room. The figure sat there with a cup of tea.

She turned, instantly putting a smile on my face.

Oh my gosh it's Jimin's grandma.
I ran and hugged her, tightly.

Even though I dislike Jimin, I still love his grandma. She's the only women who understands my problems.

"Oh ho well hello dear". She kissed my cheek.

"Oh my Well would you look at that. We have a little Jimin or Jennie in there", she grinned at the sight of my belly. Although it's been only 2 months but my belly started to show.

She patted her hand next to her indicating me to sit down as I did.

"Is my chimchim treating you well dear?"

"Yes he is. In fact really well".
I grinned.

She smiled, satisfied at my answer.

What else am I suppose to say? I'm not lying, he obviously does. I feel bad though that she doesn't know about what he's done to me in Philippines.
Like I said before, I won't tell her anything since I don't want to create a rift between the two of them.

*ring ring*

"Oh dear who is that calling me?".

"Um I'll be back grandma".
I left her in the living room while she received her call.

I dashed in the kitchen, eyeing Jimin to follow me.

Once he did I spoke my thoughts.

"Ok I don't have the courage to lie to your grandma, we...have to pretend to be happy". I know it's sounds shitty but I don't want to hurt her feelings.

He only smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.


"Can touch your belly? Just once. Please?" He wasn't pleading, but clearly begging through his eyes.

What should I say?




Narrator's pov

He walked closer and knelt down to her belly. Placing his palm on it to feel his child.

"Hey my little baby. I just wanna say that Dada loves you. I can't wait for you to come out so we could spend time together". He kissed her belly gently and stood up to face her.

Their bodies an inch away.

Guilt roamed her eyes. Tears suddenly escaping.

"W-why are you crying?".
He gently wiped her tears with his thumb. Cupping her cheeks and tilting it up to face him. Despite the fact she told him not to touch her.

There was a moment. They stared in each other's eyes speaking without words. The intensity grew to the point she tippy toed and.............kissed him.

His hands rested on her hips while her arms crossed behind his neck.

They kissed slowly but passionately.

He pulled her closer, a hand on her head to deepen the kiss. Kissing her hungrily now.

The kiss was finally broken, both their eyes meeting each other's.

"I missed you". He spoke, his forehead rested on hers, as well as his hands around her waist.

She didn't say anything.

"Does that accept
me?" Hope filled his eyes.

"Why do you do this to me?"
Tears rolled down again.

"W-what do you mean?"

She broke away from him. Stepping a foot back.

"I mean, you make me hate you at first but now this change in you is making me...." she stopped.

"Making you what?"

"I don't know? Making me like you. You're so cruel but then you're nice. I'm trying so hard not to trust you but you keep tricking me with your ways. Are you really nice to me? Is this your real self? Or are you doing this so you can get me in bed again?". She cried harder.

"Shhh.." he cupped her cheeks and pecked her forehead.

"Who do you think I really am?" He questioned softly.

"A beast, a wild animal who likes to torture". She cried.

He was hurt at how she saw him. His eyes witnessing her miseries now that she's shown him.

"If I'm a beast to be it. I'll make sure to make myself tameable. To make you believe in this beast. I'll become nicer and love you to the moon and back with so much love that you'll never think of me as a wild animal again. You'll only see me as your own. You'll forget the old me ever existed".

"W-will you ever force me? Huh?".

"I swear i would never do anything against your will. Ever".

"Will you threaten me?" She questioned.

"Why would I do that hm? I wouldn't lay a finger on you with bad motives.

"Would you...ever sexually assault me?"

There was a pause as he looked deep in her eyes.

"No. I have done that multiple times against your will and the last was the result thats in there". He placed his palm on her belly.

"I promise you now that I Park Jimin will not force, threaten or by any means torture you. That I will take full responsibility of our child and give our child the name and love it deserves. That I will love my beloved wife and give her the respect she never got. That I will shower her with so much love that she would forget the beast inside me ever existed. And if I didn't...she would have full rights to slit my throat".

She smiled at him before hugging him in a tight hug.

"I love you so much Jennie".



She was cut off by grandma yelling.

He chuckled

"Let's go before my old lady dies out of breath".

They both laughed before heading back in the living room. Genuine smiles plastered on there faces. Eyes screaming love.

To be continued...

You and Me || JM ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz