Chapter 1: Let me go!

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Yeah so this is my another book, let's hope this one goes well too.

Jennie's POV

"Taehyung get up, are you still not up yet?"

"Babe just give me 5 minutes and I'll wake up, love you," his drowsy voice clearly said he was half asleep.

He hung up on me.

5 minutes later...

"Ring, ring...are you up yet? Hello?"

"5 minutes is not over," he stated in his sleepy voice. It was kinda cute. Even though I can't see him now but I'll definitely meet him at the altar today.

8 minutes had passed yet he was still asleep.

"'s our wedding today," i said calmly but heard a thud instead.

"Hello? Taehyung are you ok? What was that?"

Did he perhaps fall off his bed?

"It's our wedding? I mean, d-d-did that time finally come? Yeeeeeesssssss!! Woohoo, I can't tell you how much I waited for this day and you could have woke me earlier... ooooh looks like someone's not being a good wife," saying that he chucked.

A smile popped on my face from his reactions. I could hear the sound of the mattress as if someone's jumping on it, obviously it's Taehyung. He kept on counting the days of our marriage since last year and it's finally here so he deserves to get over joyed.

Me and Taehyung have been in a relationship for 5 years now and today it's our wedding. How I dreamt of becoming his wife and all the hopes, expections I had are finally going to come true. The credits go to my parents and his. If it weren't for them than i don't know if we would lead a happy life or not. Since both our dads own their companies and have been bond in a partnership with each other, they decided to get us married. Lucky for us, we already liked each other from the beginning so we didn't hesitate to agree to this marriage. Me and Taehyung have known each other from high school now. In middle school, we were just friends but since coming to high school we started developing love interests for each other. I'm just so happy that I found a life partner who's perfect for me. He doesn't cheat, he loves me, cherishes me and even treats me like a queen. He's the best match I could ever get. I just love him.

Deep in my thoughts I didn't realise I was still on the line when Taehyung snapped me out of it by singing my name. Yeah and that too he's an amazing singer.

"Hey we gotta hurry, our wedding will be held in 4 hours.Get ready and let's hurry to the venue. Can't wait to see my queen in that wedding gown. You'll look fabulous," he stated.

" you're in a bigger rush than me," I teased.

"Can't help it, just wanna see you, I love you."

"I love you too."

After our sweet talks and moments, I did my morning routines and went downstairs to find my parents both busy.

"What's the rush for?" I asked.

"it's your wedding so there's obviously gonna be rush especially when your mum wants everything organised," teased my dad while mum gave him a death stare.

I just chucked at their childish sides.


We arrived at the venue. The venue my parents chose was awesome. It was set on the beach. The bright, glowing sand accompanied by the blue sky and a smiling sun made our wedding day perfect. Everything was just perfect.

"Honey let's get you ready. Taehyung and our in-laws are on their way here," mum stated while dragging me with her.

After getting ready in my white, wedding gown with my hair pined up in a bun along with light make up on my face I stared at my self in the mirror when mum stormed in.

"Woah...honey is that you? Oh my darling is looking so gorgeous, bet Taehyung will fall head over heals for you", she winked.

"Mummm?? Why do you have to tease me right now? I blushed. Literally, my mum is the coolest mum ever. She treats me like her best friend more then her daughter.
Hotel room

After we done chit chatting, she left. I was left alone. I placed my sparkly charm bracelet on my wrist and was about to head outside when something or someone covered my mouth. I struggled to escape but eventually did by stomping on his foot and using my defending skills. He was wincing in pain on the floor because of where I kicked him. I tried to identify that person but he was wearing a black mask on his face which made it even difficult. To be honest he looked like a ninja because of the black clothes he was wearing. I stood there like an idiot staring at him when I came to realisation and ran for my life. I ran out my room and down the hotel hallway.

"Help! Someone help!

Like what the hell? I shouted but there was no one there to help me. How can a hallway be so empty?

I ran and ran but he caught up to me, unexpectedly jumping from the front.
Oh wait no, there's another guy at the back of me. So this is a gang? No, no, not today, out of all the days but not today. It's my wedding.

"Who are you people? Let me go!" I commanded but they kept quiet.

"Taehyung help!" I shouted but the next thing I know is, I'm struggling to escape from the guys grip with a cloth covering my mouth. After that it's all blackout. Can't see or hear a thing.
Why does it have to be me? What did i do?

Authors note
Yeah so another book. Although this time it's my bias Jimin, yay, woohoo.
Anyone with me?
Ok hope y'all like it
Enjoy fam❤️

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