Chapter 16: The hunt is on

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If she works as my medicine than I'll keep her. Now I know that being close to her is what's going to stop my nightmares. I will have to sleep with her every night, even though she likes it or not. Even if I having to tie her up, gag her mouth, I will. If sleeping with her is what's gonna change me than I'm willing to do it.

End of recap

Jennie's POV

No, no, he didn't do anything did he?
Ahhhhh!!! How much I wanna scream but can't.

Locking the door, I decided to take a shower. Stripping down naked, I settled in the tub full of warm water. I relaxed and tried to forget about the incident earlier.

What the hell was he even doing? Why was he next to me in the first place?
Oh no..did...d-did he do something in my sleep??

I quickly observed my naked self. Nothing, no new marks, I just had those hickeys from last time. Although they're recovering. Man how much I hate this guy. How can someone be two faced? I mean, I certainly never expected Jimin to be one. Who knew a nerd like him could have guts to do all this. He changed so badly. Did perhaps puberty hit him late? Changing him up side down? Nah he was already too old for it anyway.

Still, I really don't like it when he touches me. In fact I hate it! I just wanna die when he tries to involve me into sexual activities. If he thinks I'm a slut than he's wrong. I will never sleep with him no matter what. I will never, never be his toy..and I will certainly never be his sex slave, if that's what he wants...than I'd rather get run over by a car or giraffe.

I relaxed in the tub for a while, almost forgetting the incidents and the chaos in my life. I changed it into me, mum, dad and grandma. All of us living a happy life. Me and Taehyung married and the family is soon to be complete. No tension no arguments...just happiness.

"Get out bitch! We're late."

Ugh, come on this person will never leave me at peace.
I slowly got out the tub and searched for the towel.

Shit! There's no towel. As for the previous clothes, ehhh- the shirt is alright but the under garments are dirty.

"I'll give you ten seconds to get out, if you don't I'll break in and drag you out.

Shit! Shit!
What should I do?


Omg, no!


Wtf do I do? Should I tell him that I don't have anything to wrap myself into?

No..hell no. He will take advantage of me straight away if I said so.


Got it! I just hope he can't see anything inside.


The door unlocked before opening.

Narrators POV

Once the door opened, Jimin's eyes caught her body first.
He scanned her from head to toe before playing a smirk on his lips.

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