Chapter 30: lets go back home

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"I want a deal".

"Deal?" His eyebrow arched in confusion and nervousness.

"You want me to visit dad don't you?"

"Yeah, why."

"On one condition.......................give me that girl......handover Jennie".

End of recap

Jimin's POV

Ever since I brought up the topic, he's been moody, giving me death stares. We left straight after I brought it up. He dragged Jennie along while I couldn't help but wish to punch his face. The other girl Rose? Yeah her, she left too.

Now? We're all sitting here on this dinning table. Me and Chanyeol at the opposite corners of each side with Jennie in the middle.

No ones talking, only the banging, clashing sounds of the crockery are to be heard.
I'm here eating eggs while, he's aggressively slicing his pork belly. Jennie? She enjoying her boiled potato with cheese toppings.

No ones talking, only eyes are interacting, mine and Chanyeol's. Jennie's too busy to even notice.

"Thanks Chanyeol for taking me out today. I really enjoyed it". She flashed a smile.

"Any time", he winked.

After she was done, she got up and walked off to her room. The maids took care of the plates while me and him sat in living room awkwardly. I owned the sofa while he sat steadily on the couch. Fingers intwining.

Oh i know that posture. Business people often do it. Either when they want a deal, to look dominant or nervousness hits them like a hammer.
In his case, he's nervous and confused.

His eyes lifted and landed on me. Eyebrows frowning. Fire blazing through those eyes.

"You know you can't win me right? If you want me to meet dad, hand over", I smirked.

Smirking is best when you wanna look dominant. It drives the opponent crazy. One rule I've mastered in this industry. Although not everyone are aware of this simple intimating trick apart from those who have long stayed in this cycle.


Did he just reject my offer?

"I can't, she's in debt with me. I can't let her go".

Debt huh?

Narrators POV

Jimin stood up from his seat, hands in his sweat pant's pockets. His lips curved at the sides. Making him look even more devilish than he already was.

"You do know that dad transferred every single property to me right? His will is filled with properties, bank balance, jewels, cars, mansions that all belong to me."

Jimin's eyebrow cocked while Chanyeol sat there, defeated.

"I know, all I have is this mansion. Though my business will only be yours when dad dies".

A cunning laugh is what echoed in the empty halls.

"So what? Should I kill him?".

Chanyeol rapidly stood up. Eyes bewildered with anger.

"How dare you!? I'm ashamed that you're his biological son!"

Jimin's eyes narrowed, his hand whacked the blue vase before falling on the marble floor and crashing.

"You don't order me Chanyeol! Remember I'm the one leading this game."

"I can't help but feel disgusted. You're a disgrace Jimin!"

"Is that suppose to bother me? I mean you and your mother are so shameless till today that you're after someone else's money. Just admit it, you both mother and son are waiting for dad's death to take all his assets."

"How can you even think that? Ok, I admit dad supported me and mum in our low times by marrying my mother. But believe me, me and mom never had any negative thoughts towards you or your mother. Mum tried her best to get along with your mother but-"

"Cut the crap, don't even bring up the past, just get on with this deal", A blank expression, no emotion showed on Jimin's perfect sculpted face.

"I said no. I reject your offer. There's no way I'm giving her to you", Chanyeol's jaw clenched.

"Why? it because someone has a petty little crush on her?" Jimin smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"You like her don't you? I mean it's your habit of stealing someone else's property".

Chanyeol stood there, defeated. Hands balled up. Ready to hit Jimin's face yet not action occurred.

Jimin sat down, leaning back on the sofa dominantly.

"You know silence is the best way to reveal someone's intentions. I think I figured out yours. You do like her. So tell me, what did she do to make you her puppet? Spread her legs?"

A punch flew across Jimin's face, making him fall from his seat.

"This is for her."

Another punch.

"And this is for dad".

In a serious atmosphere, Jimin erupted chuckling.

"You know you can't win me. Hand her over and no one gets hurt. Trust me".

"Trust and you? Those two words just don't go together", Chanyeol huffed letting out a scoff.

Jimin slowly got up. Face to face with Chanyeol.

"Do we have a deal?" His hand rose for a hand shake.

"For dad", with his last remark, Chanyeol walked off. Leaving a smirking Jimin all by himself.

Jennie's POV

It's been past 30 minutes yet I can't fall asleep. Tossing and turning finally finding a position comfortable enough to lay on. Just when my eyelids got heavy, a gust of breeze tickled down my spine.

"What the-"

Someone pinned my wrist.

"Lets go back home baby".


My visions blurred. Darkness consumed me with the last words echoing in my ears.

"Sleep tight kitten".

To be continued...

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