Chapter 44: love and hatred

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There was a moment of silence while my curiosity intensified.

"It was a set up ok. I knew but should've been careful about keeping you by my side. I've always known that Jimin will take you away from me one day, but I thought my love for you could make his heart melt. Guess not. It was his plan anyways. I even know that he kidnaped you. I found out about a month ago".

"His revenge, his perfect revenge".

W-what does he mean?
Wait what's going on?

End of recap

Narrator's pov

She wore a confused look, like a lost puppy among the crowd.

"W-what do you mean revenge?" Her eyes blinked in shock.

"He hasn't told you yet?"
He cocked an eyebrow.

She simply shook her head in response.

Taehyung exhaled loudly and continued giving her a pity look.

"He...was madly in love with you, in high school".

Her eyes nearly rolled out of it's socket.

"That's not tru-."

"Yes it is and I've witnessed it. You may hate me after this but I have to tell you that I didn't used to bully Jimin. I was only doing him a favour he asked for. We are actually like brothers and were best buddies ever since childhood".

Jennie's pov

I can't believe my ears. What the actual hell? Why did they do this?

"So Jimin was obsessed with me that's why he asked you a favour? Than where did revenge come from?"

"Not quite, He wasn't obsessed with you, well maybe at first. He was crushing on you ever since you two were kids or so I've heard. That all changed after your father killed his mum"

Woah woah my dad killed who?

"What do you mean my dad killed his mum?" Anger and confusion fused in me making me bang my fist on the table.

"He claims your dad was the cause of his mother's death. She suicided after she couldn't handle anymore of your dad's assaults. May I add sexual harassment as well".

"woah who the fuck he thinks he is? My father would never look at any other women but my mum and I know that for sure because
I've fucking witnessed them for the 21 years of my life! How dare he even make up a false statement like that!!" I stood up, yelling at Tae.

Really? Who is Jimin to judge my father and my family like that? I'm pretty sure he thinks of me as a hoe too.

"As I was saying...he thinks your dad was behind it all. So he set out to get revenge through you. Torturing you to make your dad's life miserable."

"Why me! There's so many other ways".

"But the pain of seeing your own blood getting hurt is like a knife stabbing you a thousand times".

Oh my god...such a big conspiracy.

"Now would you sit down? There's more".

I quietly sat uncomfortably, my mind rushing through millions of thoughts.

One thing doesn't really add up.

"If he wanted revenge from my dad, why did he go overboard on punishing me through sexual harassments? Assaulting me in ways I wanted to kill myself but he only got pleasure out of it? Why did he do that to me?"

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