Chapter 33: i may pronounce you husband and wife

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Me marrying Jimin? IMPOSSOBLE!

I shifted my gaze towards him. He took a sip of his scotch and smirked.

Mum says do good to others and god will do good to you. But god isn't doing anything right in my life.

There's no way I will marry him. He will only use me, betray me, rape me, torture me. No way! No way! Please be a nightmare. Some one wake me up

End of recap

Jennie's POV

No, I don't want to.

I quickly pulled mum and dragged her out of the library.

"Mum? Why didn't you ask me?", I asked not able to control my anger.

"Honey, it happened so suddenly. Jimin just came and asked for your hand in marriage. He said he will get you back from that monster and he did. Oh I'm thankful to him for bringing my daughter back", she hugged me once again, giving a peck on my cheek.

Monster? Wait she means Chanyeol?

"Mum Chanyeol is not a bad person, he's nice, and caring. He-"

"Oh come on stop praising that bastard. What has he done to make you praise him?" Dad stormed into the room.

"Dad he hasn't done anything. He really is nic-"

He cut me off.

Closing the library door with Jimin in it, he walked over to me.

"Look honey, I've known Jimin from a long time, he's a great boy. He will keep you happy".

"Dad you don't even know what I've been through. He's not what he se-"
He cut me off again before placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Look Jennie, a proposal walked to us itself with great benefits. He has promised to give me back all my assets along with you".

What the hell? Is this why he's marrying me off? That's it!

"Dad you care about your properties more than me don't you?! How can you sell your own daughter for that?!!"

"I'm not selling you!" He growled.

"Oh yeah? Then why did you decide to get me married in the first place? It was for you to get your own selfish benefits!"

"No it wasn't and stop shouting at me! What do you think huh? You can get any man you want? Well let me tell you one thing young lady, we have no class right now and I'm pretty sure none of the businessman would want to take your hand in marriage after the news".

"Honey listen to her at least-"
Mum was cut off by dad.

"Not right now!" He yelled.

"Look Jennie, Jimin is a good person. He will keep you happy. You'll be his queen". Dad said, calming down.

Tears rolled down my cheeks helplessly.

"You know what dad? You're right. If me marrying that person will give you all happiness...than I'm ready for marriage", saying that I ran out of the house while mum yelled for me to stop. I sat at the long bench in the garden and cried my heart out.

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