Chapter 38: 2 faced?

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"What about you huh?"

"Oh me? Well I already have a return ticket for tomorrow morning", she smiled.

"You're a one clever woman".

"I'll take that as a compliment", she smiled before leaving.

Time to call Namjoon hyung.
End of recap

--Time skip to airport-.

Narrator's pov

"Jimin Stop poking me".

"Jimin Stop it", she whisper yelled while he smiled like an idiot.

Standing in a cue with luggages, he couldn't help but annoy her. Poking her back and slightly tickling her.

"Stop it, I swear I'll hit you".

"Go ahead, everyone will think the wife harasses her husband at home", he smiled cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows.

The line reduced as everyone checked in. In about 30 minutes the flight took off.

Jennie's pov

"Oh my gosh can you like stop annoying me?" I turned on my seat.


No? Ugh!! He's driving me crazy. He's been annoying me for the past 45 minutes. Sometimes poking me, tickling me, hooking his ankle around mine to make me fall, even swapping our phone cases. He even locked my iPhone several times since he wanted to figure out my password.

He sat there patiently while the food was served, thank god. He ate quietly and left me at peace too. After we were done, I just relaxed.

"Hey, about this all honeymoon thing...don't take it seriously. I have no interest in you or having babies with you. Once we land in Philippines..just relax and enjoy".

"Wow, who the hell would wanna make babies with you?" I scoffed.

"Women", he smirked.

"Not me obviously, but hey we can have a deal and make both our lives easier", my brilliant mind came up with a fantastic idea.

"What kind of deal?" He asked focused. All attention on me.

"Can we forget about everything that happened between us from the day of my kidnaping till now for only 2 weeks? Until we go back home".

"And why would I wanna do that?" He asked, staring into my soul.

"Well you don't have to but it'll be nice for once to be friends and actually do something from the heart. Will you just for 2 weeks be my friend and start over? Just for 2 weeks. And let's think of this honeymoon as a vacation. But it doesn't mean I'll forgive or forget what you have done to me in the past".

He thought for a while, zoning out. Eyes wondering all over the flat surface.

"Fine, friends for 2 weeks it is. Than should we...introduce ourselves and start over again for only 2 weeks?"

I feel this is genuine.

I smiled.

"Hi I'm Jennie Kim", I offered my hand
Willingly this time.

He let out a gorgeous smile.

"I'm Park Jimin", he smiled, taking my hand and slightly shaking it.

Despite knowing the fact he's cruel and all, I decided to have fun on this trip rather than running away from him.

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