Author's Note

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Now I know a lot of you guys aren't happy about the fact that I killed off Blake. Is he coming back? We'll just have to wait and see. But I discovered something that I even surprised myself with yesterdays chapter. Take a look at this.

"When a new girl arrives at the school and causes some memories to form in a young mans mind, he starts to change. She seems similar, but different than who he remembers. He swore he would protect her at all costs, but will he do the same for the new girl look-alike? Is she a rebirth of her or just merely someone who looks and acts like her? How will this affect him, and can she save him from the past that haunts him? Or will it continue to eat away at him until he loses control?"

Seem familiar? That is the story description, and it has deeper meaning to it than even I realized. When you first read the description, the first person that comes to mind is Blake. Of course that would be the obvious choice, since he is one of the main characters. But look again, and this time think about yesterdays chapter. See anything different now? The description seems to be talking about Ian now. Because he is slowly changing for good for a girl that reminds him of his old bride.  So what does that mean, Ian is the main character. Actually, I probably just created something that will blow your minds. The description... is talking about both Ian and Blake. Shocking right? Both Ian and Blake are changing, they both obviously had strong connections with a girl who Emelia reminds them so much about. Both had a painful past (You'll learn a little about Blake's soon) and they both seem to feel compelled to protect Emelia. So how does that effect the story. Well that's what I'm wanting to discuss with you. This story has a lot more secrets and mysteries in it than you can imagine. I will give little hints and clues throught the story like I have been, but I want to hear your thoughts. What do you think some of the secrets are, and what are the answers to them? I would really like to read your ideas. And if anyone actually manages to solve one of them, I will promote your book or a book you like on Facebook, here, and every other social media I have. If your not interested in the promote but still want to solve the secrets, that's fine too. 

That's all for today, but there are many secrets for you to solve. Will you be the one to unmask the truth behind the words?

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