Royal Party of Sins

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-Ian's POV-

I ran outside the school with everyone else. The news had spread like wildfire and it wasn't long before I was informed of what happened. From what they told me, Ace tried to rape Emelia but got the shit beaten out of him by Blake. That damned fool got caught, now the Royal's are going to have to have a meeting again. But why was I rushing, why was I so worried to see what the outcome was? What I worried for my fellow Royal? Or was I worried about the new girl? She reminds me a lot of her, so I'm not surprised that the possibility of falling in love with her is high. But even so, there's no way that Blake would take her away this time. He's changed, he's no longer who he used to be. And Emelia seems to have fallen right into my arms, as expected of someone with my personality and good looks.

I finally reached the bleachers and was taken completely by surprise. Ace was lying on the ground, and Emelia's jacket and shirt were torn on the concrete. That means he didn't get very far with her, and her virginity is still mine. But that wasn't what had taken me back. It was that fact that she was half naked, inside of Blake's jacket. And she was asleep with her arms wrapped around his neck. I walked over to the principle and staff, acting as if I had no idea what happened. They told me the same things that I already knew. before hand. After losing my patience, I walked over to Blake with a stern look on my face.

Ian: What do you think you're doing?

Blake looked up at me with an equally stern look, but there was something else that made things suspicious. There was a slight, almost invisible shade of red in his cheeks. And his eyes didn't have that thundering storm inside them, they reminded me of the center of a hurricane. Still and peaceful, but then quickly changes back to the storm and flashes of lightning.

Blake: What do you mean you're "highness"?

Ian: Don't be a smart-ass, I can come up with a lot of reasons to beat you into an example of disrespect.

Blake: By all means try, you know you'll only humiliate yourself in front of you're "subjects".

I almost lost it right then and there, but I knew that now would be a bad time to let my temper get the better of me.

Ian: Anyways, what do you think you're doing having a girl half naked in your jacket, she should be in the nurses office right now.

Blake: Why? So you can tip the nurse off with that cash you show off and rape the girl in her sleep. Nice try Ian, but you forget that I know you better than anyone in this whole school.

That comment right there was going to be his downfall, I was going to make him pay sooner or later. I'm tired of his disrespect and his attitude. One of these days, I'm going to discover his weakness and make him beg for forgiveness.

Ian: What I do is none of your concern, however you are going to have to take her there one way or another.

After I said that, Blake started smirking. That made me feel uneasy, as he only smirks when he outwits me or gets the better of me.

Blake: Actually, I already discussed it with the principle and the police, and I am to take care of her at my house for the next week. It seems your so called Jack drugged her and she isn't able to stay awake for some reason.

That was the last straw, I started shouting in his face. Spitting hateful words at him and ended up in handcuffs for assaulting him in front of an officer on school grounds. I only hooked him in the jaw, but he didn't seemed fazed. Although, I knew all too well that he was doing his best not to show of pain that one punch caused. I hit him using my ability, so I most likely broke his jaw or knocked out some teeth.

Later that night I threw a party to forget about what happened, and focus on more... pleasurable things.

*Ten O'clock at Night*

Me and a bunch of people had school were having a great time. All the rich, popular, and sports teams were invited to the party. There was beer pong, loud music from the DJ I hired, arcade machines from the garage, and lot's of hot girls. Around an hour into the party, most of us were drunk and having an even better time. I turned the 10 guest rooms into private fun rooms. Finally, I nodded to the DJ and he turned the music down and announced everyone to direct their attention to me.

Ian (Drunk): May I have your a tents shin please? Tank you for coming everybodie to mai party, to celebrate my grapeness I mean greatness!

The crowd cheered and raised their cups full of alcohol and soda in a static mood.

Suddenly, two girls walked up to Ian after he finished his speech. One was a white colored short brunette girl with curls in her hair. She had a slim build with average an average sized ass and breasts.  She was wearing a bubble gum pink crop-top with cotton candy blue tight leather shorts.The other girl was white with blonde hair in a bun. She was slightly bigger than the other girl, but had an ass and pair of breasts that made Ian's eyes wide. They stood in front of him and the brunette girl was popping her gum while the other was moving her hands on Ian's chest.

Blonde: How about you take me and my friends upstairs and we'll see what kind of greatness you have.

Brunette: Yeah, I'm dying to know what it's like to lay with King.

Ian grinned and placed his hands on both of their asses.

Ian: Right this way ladies.

They followed him upstairs and entered the door on the left of the stairway.

*The next day*

-Normal POV-

Ian opened his eyes and groaned in pain from the massive hangover he had. He started to remember what happened last night and looked around him.On both sides of him, the girls were naked and asleep under the blanket. Everybody else had left the party and went home. Ian snuck a peek at them under the blankets and left a sheet of paper with his phone number on the pillow. Then he got up and put on his clothes, he looked at the time and groaned. It was six o'clock in the morning and he didn't feel like going to school. So he went downstairs and climbed into his Lamborghini and drove off in the direction of the strip club which was closing soon.

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