The Flame Dies

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-Ian's POV-

I heard one of my maids call me from downstairs. I didn't know what she was saying, but her tone told me something was wrong. I slowly got out of bed and wrapped myself in my white bath robe and walked downstairs.

Ian: What is it Melinda? School doesn't start until 7:40.

Melinda: Sorry to wake you up master, but there is a young girl outside your gate.

Ian: What's so unusual about that?!

Melinda: She's crying sir, and she was dropped off by some kind of Challenger.

Ian: Shit... It couldn't be!

I opened my door and peered outside. I knew  who it was the second I saw her.

Ian: Let her in dammit!

*20 min later*

After Emelia explained everything to me, I couldn't believe what I heard. But I knew it was true, and that he wouldn't accept her back. I can easily take care of her, but that means I can't invite girls over or have any parties for a while. I want her to be mine again, and I'm not going to screw it up like last time. I ordered Melinda to make us some coffee and cookies. While she was gone, I comforted Emelia and did my best to cheer her up. I know what you guys are thinking, that I'm just playing with her so she opens up to me. That's true, but I'm actually sincere about this. I may be a playboy, but I am not heartless when it comes to how a girl feels. I wrapped her up in a blanket and she cried on my shoulder for several minutes. She eventually fell asleep from exhaustion and quietly snored on my shoulder. Melinda came in with what I asked but i waved her away after she set them down. I picked Emelia up and took her into one of my guest bedrooms. As I set her on the bed, the urge to tear her clothes off was extremely tempting. I even had my hands on her shoulders ready to do it, but I just shook my head and walked out. I had set her coffee and cookies on the bedside table, and locked her door behind me. I then locked all the other rooms int the house, last thing I need is for her to see who I truly am again. Melinda had my clothes ready and started up my car. After I got dressed, I climbed into my Lamborghini and sped down the street towards the school.

That's when it clicked. An idea for revenge against Blake. He never showed his soft spot, and that's what made him impossible to put down. But now I had ammo to use against him, and he'll finally learn his place in this school.

(At the highschool)

-Normal POV-

Blake was walking on the way to school, he has used up all the gas in his car and didn't have the money to refill it. On his way he had completely forgotten everything around him. He was slouched, with his hands in his jean pockets slowly walking down the sidewalk. All of the sudden a car came around the bend and was speeding down the road. It was one of Ian's buddies car, a 2019 Ford F-450, traveling at around 86 mph. Usually, Ian and his friends attempt to hit Blake when he's walking on the way to school, but they always miss him since he knows exactly what they will do. But this time, Blake was lost in his thoughts and never saw the massive truck coming. All the sudden, the truck slammed into Blake, sending him flying the same speed and crashing through several trees. The care stopped and the teenage male started yelling and drove away from the scene. Blake was lying in the thick forest, his body somehow intact, but his limbs were bent completely out of shape. Once the emergency response team arrived, he was concluded to be dead. There was no possible way to bring him back.

-Ian's POV-

I entered the school and walked over to the Royal's Cafe, the place where people like me eat the best breakfast around. I ordered my coffee and stack of buttermilk pancakes and sat at the large round table. As I was eating, one of my old friends ran up to me. I knew something was wrong the moment I saw him, he was completely shaken and the fear in his eyes were evident. I quickly stood from my chair and placed my hands on his shoulder.

Ian: What happened Drake?!

Drake: I hit him! I was going 86 and I hit him!

Ian: Who did you hit you moron!

Drake: -quietly hissed- Blake, I hit Blake!

I froze where I stood, I couldn't believe what I was hearing for the second time!

Ian: How the fuck did hit him!

Drake: I don't know, he never saw me coming. And when I hit him I saw him flying through trees! There's no possible way that he's alive!

I ran out of the building and climbed into my car, rushing towards the hospital where I knew they would be keeping him. I had to see it for myself, I had to see if my mortal enemy was actually gone!

-Emelia's POV-

I woke up in some kind of small guestroom. I figured Ian took me in here after I fell asleep, it reminded me of... I have to forget those memories. I stood up and consumed what he left for me, but when I tried to get out, the door wouldn't open. He must have locked me in here without realizing. I took out my bobby pin from my bag and opened the door after a few attempts. After I was free, I walked downstairs and greeted Melinda in the kitchen while she was doing dishes. She smiled and greeted me and offered me some food from the fridge. I grabbed some cake I saw in the back and sat in the massive living room to watch TV. I didn't need to explore, I had seen what his house looked like off of MTV Cribs. I flicked through the channels and didn't find anything interesting, so I decided to watch the news and see if anything interesting happened.

-News Lady- Today is a wonderful day to take a stroll through town, that was until a young teenage male was hit by a truck early this morning.

Emelia: Omg, I hope that they are alright... *eats a peice of cake.

-News Lady- The young man was announced dead after the emergency response team was called in. Eye witnesses say that the young man did not see the truck coming and did not move out of the way....

Emelia: Who is dumb enough to just stand there, did he actually not see it coming?

-News Lady- Eye witnesses also say that it appeared that the young man did not move from the truck because he used the opportunity as an act of suicide.  Others say that he was listening to loud music, but nobody could prove either of these claims.

Emelia: Whoever it was, I hope that he was happy and his family will be okay... I wonder if they identified who it was?

-News Lady- The victim was later identified at local student Blake. For unknown reasons, we do not have a record of his last name. He worked as the owner of a local flower shop, and has no record of any family.

-Melinda's POV-

I was about to finish the dishes when I heard something shatter from the living room. I rushed into the room calling for Mrs. Rosetta. When I walked into the room, I saw the plate and cake all over the floor and Emelia sobbing into her hands. I was able to peice together what happened once I saw the photo of a young man on the TV. This young man seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't think of anyone. I tried to comfort Emelia, but she was crying even more than this morning.

Melinda: Was he... someone important to you?

Emelia: N-no... he was... just someone who cared...

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