Neo the Hero

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-Normal POV-

After Neo said goodbye to Blake and Emelia, he started heading back to his house. He looked up at the sky and saw the sun going down and quickened his pace. He didn't want to be in the outskirts of town at night. That's when the mobsters and other gangs are really active. Though he was sure he could handle most of them, there were several gangs that he would stand no chance against. Neo felt unsafe out in the middle of the street, so he climbed up onto the roof of a house and leaped from building to building. That's where they would least expect him to be. As Neo started gracefully vaulted from one roof to another, he heard something. It sounded high pitched and loud, it almost sounded like someone was screaming. He started moving towards the direction of the sound and as he closed in, he knew it was someone screaming. He estimated he was about five houses away, and he could here a girl's distressed screaming and yelling. He quickly started towards the female hoping it was not a trap.

-Cassie's POV-

I just left the library after studying four hours for the upcoming test. It was only a test to see where we stood, but I still wanted to exceed everyone else. I looked at the sky and saw the sun was going down. I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn't avoid it. I started walking towards my house, in the outskirts of town. I lived at the edge of the woods, so I had a long way to walk. However, recently I have been jumped by a group of thugs lately and they get touchier every time. I should have called Blake, but I knew that he was busy taking care of Emelia. So i decide to just let it happen and move on. Once I turned past the corner, I saw them waiting for me in an alleyway. I hoped that if I just snuck past, that I could avoid them. I started crouching, hoping the shadows would cover me and I could sneak past. However, just as I started to get up to run, someone grabbed me from behind and was dragging me into the alleyway. I started screaming and crying for help, but I knew that nobody was around, and if they were, they wouldn't help me anyways. I wasn't going to make it easy for them though. I started thrashing around and kicking and scratching, but it did nothing but make them more excited. One of them had my hands held behind my back, then later tied them. Two other were each holding one of my legs and the fourth one was taking off his belt.

-Normal POV-

As the thug was undoing his belt, Neo took the opportunity of the situation and formed earth around his waist, making his legs and arms immobile. Then, he jumped down and smashed one the thug on her right leg into the wall with a pillar of stone. The one of her left left was quicker minded, and started charging after him. The thug created an axe out of the stone walkway and swung it at Neo. Neo formed earth around his body, creating a stone armor that moved with his body using his energy. Neo slammed his giant stone fist into the thugs jaw and knocked him out cold. The final thug was obviously the leader and summoned an Ember Wolf familiar. Neo dispelled his armor, which crumbled the the ground. The, the stone began to shake and form, grouping together and molding into a giant stone beast. The thug was sweating at the sight on the two-story tall stone golem.

 The thug was sweating at the sight on the two-story tall stone golem

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The Stone Golem took down the Ember Wolf almost immediately and turned towards the thug, who was on his knees begging for mercy. However, the Golem was not interested in his pleading and threw him away into a large swimming pool.  Neo called off the Golem after that and it crumbled down back into the Earth where it came from.

-Cassie's POV-

I watched in awe as he clobbered them in mere seconds. I was the same element type he was, but he was way beyond my level of power. That Golem he created wasn't a familiar, so he hasn't limited to how many he could make by the law of familiars. He could create as many and create them as large as he wanted to as long as he had enough energy. He walked up to me and helped me up and looked at me.

Neo: You okay Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah, I'm okay now Neo. Thanks for your help.

Neo: *Blushing and scratching the back of his head* It was nothing really, just helping out a friend. They shouldn't bother you anymore now.

Cassie: Thank you

-Normal POV-

Cassie had offered Neo to come to her house, but he had to decline. As much as we wanted to go with her, he had priorities to take care of at home. So he waved goodbye and continued home while Cassie walked back to hers. As Cassie walked into her house and sat on her couch, she felt something in her back pocket and pulled out a note. When she opened it up, it read:

*Hey, come by my place after school tomorrow. I need to talk to you about something.


Neo <3*

She was confused about that last part, but shrugged it off and decided to go to bed.

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