The Spark Turns to a Flame

48 13 3

August 30th, 2019

-Neo's POV-

I woke up early this morning, but I didn't feel like going to school today. I'm so far ahead that I can skip this whole semester, and it's only been one day. I wish I could use my head in a fight as well as I do in a class. I get caught in the moment and don't think clearly, so I end up making a dumb mistake and losing the match or getting hurt. I got out of bed and decided to go for an early morning jog. I put on my gray sweatpants and black t-shirt and ran down the stairs. I slipped on my socks and sneakers and grabbed my green jacket on the way out of the door. I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and it would only take me 20 minutes to jog there, so I started heading south. On my way there I saw a lot of other people jogging, there were some hot girls from school, I smiled and waved, and some of them did the same back. I'm not exactly popular, but I get along well with everyone at the school. Except the football team, the only nice person is there seems to be Zane, the lead football player. I almost got attacked by a random dog halfway there, but I managed to scare it off by throwing rocks at it. Once I was about five minutes away, I knew something was different, the shop wasn't open like it usually was on Tuesday, so i ran into the woods towards his house. I saw a pack of wolves in the corner of my left eye, but I knew that they wouldn't pose much of a threat to me now that I've spotted them. Wolves usually won't attack you if they don't have the element of surprise on their side. I ran up to the door and knocked a few times, and after a few minutes the door finally slid open.

-Blake's POV-

I heard a knock on my door and got up from the couch, I wasn't expecting any visitors today. However, I'm not worried, since only a few people know where I live, and I had a pretty good idea of who it was. I slid open the door and sure enough it was Neo, he usually comes by my shop early Tuesday mornings. I didn't open the shop today since I have a patient, but I forgot to let Neo know about that. Me and Neo have known each other for quite a while now. When I was a sophomore and he was a freshman, he used to follow me around everywhere I go. I eventually got irritated and exploded in anger, but he was only just trying to grab my attention. After that, we started hanging out and became pretty good friends. I wouldn't say best friends, but we were pretty close to it.

Blake: So what brings you hear, I guess you went to the shop and noticed I wasn't there?

Neo: Yeah, what's wrong, you wouldn't have stayed here if you were able to go down and run the shop?

Blake: I'm taking care of Emelia, she got attacked by a pack of wolves yesterday.

Neo: How did that happen?

Blake: She thought I was a kidnapper and ran from me after she hit me upside the head with that 2 by 4 I stuck under the bed. I tried to chase her down but I was still dizzy and couldn't catch her. That's when she got attacked and died.

Neo: Wait, what do you mean she died, shouldn't you take her to the cemetery?

Blake: She's not dead anymore, I saved her.

Neo: How did you manage that... hang on... you didn't use that technique did you!

Blake: I had no choice, she was about to die and I couldn't seal her wounds fast enough. I even shared blood with her same way as I did with you during Junior year.

Neo grabbed me by the collar and started shaking me violently.


Neo eventually stopped shaking me and let go, he was on the verge of tears now. I placed my hand on his shoulder and explained the situation.

Blake: He owed my father a favor, so he didn't take my soul as an exchange for hers.

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