A Day of Grief and Gold

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(Normal POV)

Ian and Drake arrived at the hospital about the same time as the ambulance. As Ian was about to exit his car, Melinda pulled up beside him and Emelia rushed towards the ambulance. Ian cursed and ran to catch up with her. As they both entered the building, there he was lying bloodied and broken on a mobile bed. Blake wasn't breathing, the life in his eyes disappeared and his heart no longer beated.

(Ian's POV)

Finally, we managed to get him out of the picture. Blake had ruined everything for so long, he took her away from me, and even challenged my authority. But now he was gone, he could no longer hold me back from my destiny. She was going to be all mine once again, and he wouldn't be there to take her away. However, even in this victorious moment, I still feel sad about seeing him go. We always fought, but we somehow always had this connection. Like we couldn't live without each other. I walked over to Emelia and shared my grief with hers, I don't know why I feel this way. But I knew I lost someone who had some kind of importance to my life. For once, I actually missed Blake's attitude and negative vibe. After about 3 hours, a policeman came up to us in the lobby and asked us a few questions. I lied to the officer telling him I din't know who the killer was, or that I had tried the same thing before. He then handed a note to Emelia and told her to open it when she got home.

(Emelia's POV)

I waved goodbye to Ian and thanked him for dropping me off at my house. Once he drove off, I walked into the living room and laid on the couch. I just laid there, looking at the ceiling and noticing all the cracks and chips in the paint. I eventually got bored and walked into the kitchen to make me something to eat. I walked in and opened up my fridge to see if I had any Ramen left to pop into the microwave. I found an old package in the back and washed a bowl since the dishwasher was broken. As I was waiting for the microwave to finish, I reached into my pockets and realized I had forgotten to red the note tat the officer gave me. I pulled it out and read out loud what was written.

Dear Emelia,

I figured that something was going to happen to me eventually. Most likely I would get a visit from some old colleagues, or that I would do something stupid and get myself killed. You're probably wondering what this note is about. Well to put it simply... I need your help. The flower shop can't run without me, and I need someone to take my place. Knowing how much you love nature, I signed over my shop to you shortly after I got hit. Now you might be wondering how I was able to wright this if I died on impact. You see the thing is, I saw the truck coming, but didn't care enough to move. So I slowed down time and wrote this letter as I was getting hit. Right now at this moment, the front just hit me and I am about to pass. I hope that you live a happy life and enjoy taking care of my shop. Don't worry about the house, it will have a new resident soon. Goodbye Emelia, and live your life to the fullest.


Blake -----------


Don't fall for Ian, he's not the type of person you should trust.


I couldn't believe what I was reading. I started to tear up again, both from happiness and sadness. Having his flower shop was like finding a gold mine for me. I had so many thoughts running though my mind at once, I couldn't even hear myself think. I eventually fell asleep leaning on the front of my counter cabinets...

(Mysterious POV)

So Blake is dead huh? Funny, I was the one who was ordered to kill him. He was supposed to die by our hands, after all, he is the traitor after all. I guess I will have to wait until the ceremony of our dark lord. Then I will have my chance to get revenge on him for turning against his own squad. Just you wait Blake, your real death is coming sooner than you think.

*Message From The Author*

Hey guys, It's me Jacob,

I know that this was a little shorter than most of my chapters, but I assure you that this was not intentional. I am not feeling so great today, and my mind was flooded with negative thoughts. So I thought it would be a good idea to make today's chapter shorter before I ruin the story with my negativity and moodiness (,:I). Anyways, I hope you enjoy today's chapter and I will do my best to make sure that I am completely clear tomorrow and hopefully get back into my routine.

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