bonus chapter 2//students, meet alex

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"Hello, Mr. Laurens," Dolley greeted at the school office. "Same issue?"

"If the screeching baby didn't answer the question, yup."

"He's actually in a class right now, will you be alright till then?"

Baby Philip cried out a little louder, as if calling for John.

"Yeah yeah, sure," I responded, not really paying attention.

If he weren't my child, I would have dropkicked this kid by now. Whenever I stayed home with him all he seemed to do was sob and throw up on me until he saw John. To be fair I would have done the same thing if he was my dad, but then again it was like Philip hated me.

The only way to get Philip to stop crying was to have John calm him down. If that meant driving up to the high school during one of his free periods, it was a price we'd both have to pay. I had to get work done, but that certainly wasn't happening with a screeching Pip, so here I was.

Today was particularly bad. Luckily there were multiple spit-up towels in the baby bag to keep me from getting drenched in baby vomit.

As soon as I departed from Dolley, Pip got louder and louder, spitting up a little every few minutes. I had had enough. Instead of obeying her, I sprinted down the hallway, catching some stares from stragglers. I wouldn't stop until I arrived at John's classroom.

"Hold on baby, we'll see Daddy soon."

When he threw his fits like this, nothing could calm him down. He'd scream until he was in John's arms. I wish I was a baby so I could do the same.

We never figured out why he only cooperated with John. Of course he was John's biological son and when Pip was older they'd be almost identical, but I was the one who spent the most time with him. He should've been more comfortable with me. Not John.

Oh my god, I can not be getting jealous of my husband because our baby, who may I add can't do anything but sleep, cry, and poop, seems to like him more than me.

The answer was of course I was.

Though, that fact didn't stop me from fleeing to him each moment it seemed necessary. We're married, first of all, he's supposed to help with the kids.

As soon as I caught a glance at the plaque reading "Mr. Laurens", I knew I was at the right spot.

Without thinking, I burst through the door, crying baby in arms. John was unbelievably distraught and his students were just as befuddled.

"The baby won't shut up," I complained.

I wasn't sure if it was just my ears, but Pip seemed to quiet down as soon as he caught sight of John.

At least my son and I share some similar trait.

"Excuse me, class," John finally stated, walking over to us. "Hey Alex, yeah what the fuck are you doing here?"

I thrusted the baby into his arms.

"First of all, no swearing around the baby. Second, he wouldn't cooperate and stop crying, and you know he only responds to you. I had work to do-"

"Honey, I'm at work. You can't barge in like you did, especially when I have a class. Why didn't you get the Washingtons or Eliza?"

"Because Pip doesn't like them. He likes you and you only, now please take care of your child."

"Babygirl, he stopped crying."

"Oh, must be the sound replaying in my brain for eternity!"

John groaned, clearly over my obnoxious antics.

"Please just take Pip home-"

"I can't! He'll start up again and I'll go mad and soon-"

"Then stay here, but Stay. Quiet."

"I promise, but please help me if he does it again. I don't think I can handle another breakdown because of that baby," confessed.

He laid a tender kiss on my forehead.

"You're just fine, hun. You two can sit at my desk and watch me teach."

He turned back to his class as I carried a now silent Philip to his desk, which was neatly organized.

"If you don't mind me asking, Mr. Laurens, but who is that?" a student asked.

"That's your teacher," I sarcastically remarked, shooting John a smirk.

"Actually sir, I was asking Mr. Laurens," the same student corrected.

"''Tis I, Mr. Laurens," I responded.

John rolled his eyes.

"We're both Mr. Laurens, James."

"Are you two brothers?" a female student asked.

"If we were, we did something very illegal last night," I snickered.

"Alex.." John warned.

"Oh come on Johnny, knowing you your class is probably way ahead. Just let them have a fun class and ask us questions," I persuaded.

His students looked more eager than he did, but my words had more power over him than any hormone-fueled adolescent.

"Fine," he sighed. "Ask away."

Almost all of the students' hands shot up, all of them somehow interested in their teacher's personal life.

"You, purple sweater," I called, pointing to a bored looking girl.

"Are you two like together?"

"Sometimes I wish we weren't," John commented. "But yes, we've been married for five years, but dating for six before that."

A chorus of aw's filled the classroom. I smiled when I saw the growing blush on his face.

"Yeah and this is our youngest, Philip. Our other is Frances, who's five-"

I was interrupted by Philip screaming out again, causing everyone in the classroom to flinch. John immediately sprang to action, coming to comfort the baby and me.

He started to rock Pip, humming a lullaby, as if there weren't twenty other people in the room.

I didn't mean to stare and admire the scene, but seeing the love of my life holding our child made me fall in love all over again.

"Call me sappy, but wow I am so in love with him," I whispered to the first row of students who giggled like children.

He grinned his stupid toothy grin at me. Pip tried to mimic the face, only causing me to laugh harder. The class was also entertained by two.

My beautiful husband and child, ever the charmers. Forever mine.

//an: part 2.. which marks the end of the book! thank you for the journey. being honest, this is one of my favorite pieces of writing
now i'm guessing i'll have a little more time on my hands (lmao just kidding bc i have a lams au that i really love so far) but because of that, i'd like to read some of your books!
i mostly read lams, treebros, mcpriceley, marliza, meggy, jeffmads, and mullette, so if you write anything under that category just comment it and there's a pretty good chance i'll read it.
after that i'd just like to repeat thank you so much

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