chapter 3//alex it's 3 am

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justyouwait: johnny

justyouwait: wyd?

turtleboi: wtf alex it's 3 am

justyouwait: i'm aware of the time

turtleboi: then GO TO SLEEP

justyouwait: are you aware that we could be in different time zones

turtleboi: you literally just said that you knew it was 3 am

justyouwait: you got me there...

justyouwait: so wyd?

turtleboi: trying to SLEEP like you should

justyouwait: wow you clearly don't know me

turtleboi: i actually don't

justyouwait: i don't sleep

justyouwait: at all

justyouwait: i am fueled by coffee and rage

turtleboi: that's not healthy

justyouwait: maybe not but at least i get the job done

turtleboi: whatever just go to bed

justyouwait: alright alright john whatever your last name is

turtleboi: laurens

justyouwait: hamilton

turtleboi: goodnight alex hamilton

justyouwait: goodnight john laurens


justyouwait: good morning laurens

turtleboi: good morning hamilton. sleep well?

justyouwait: sure

turtleboi: you didn't sleep did you?

justyouwait: whaaaaaaatttt????

turtleboi: the first thing i do when we meet is force an entire bottle of nyquil down your throat

justyouwait: oh so we're meeting now?

turtleboi: i mean if you want.

turtleboi: we don't have to

turtleboi: you probably don't want to meet me anyways

justyouwait: no, i'd like to meet you. it would be nice to see your face

turtleboi: why can't we just send pics of ourselves

justyouwait: to build suspense and mystery, you see

turtleboi: alex i have known you for maybe 30 hours, and yet you never fail to amaze me

justyouwait: i'm taking that as a compliment

turtleboi: good now i have to get to law class

justyouwait: same

justyouwait: washington will have my ass if i'm late

turtleboi: ...

turtleboi: you wouldn't mean george washington of columbia university, would you?

justyouwait: yeah, what's so special about him?

turtleboi: we're in the same law class

turtleboi: i don't know half of my class, which would explain why i don't know an alex hamilton

justyouwait: well scooby doo time to solve a mystery

turtleboi: i hate you

justyouwait: ruh roh

turtleboi: i will personally call you out in class today and you'll reveal your identity

justyouwait: if you do i'll give you a scooby snack

turtleboi: f u

justyouwait: gotta blast

//an: memes memes memes memes
if you have instagram you should go look up the.worldturnedupsidedown because i'm eliza on that account. comment on the post recent most of mine with one of your favorite songs, musical or not (the drawing will be a musical thing probably, i'm sorry) okay that was today's shameless self-promotion
javier is adorable

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