chapter 12//the gays are at it again

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turtleboi: hey bby on a scale from one to america, how free are you 2nite?

justyouwait: well i was thinking of stopping by your place but after that like i'm breaking up with you

turtleboi: 😥please don't i'm sorry

justyouwait: now you could come over to my place. i would very much enjoy that

turtleboi: don't you have a roommate?

justyouwait: yeah but he's fine. he knows about us but he's trustworthy

turtleboi: he's the only person you've told right?

justyouwait: unless people have been taping our dates i think we're in the clear

turtleboi: perfect. laf and herc haven't confronted me so they have no idea

justyouwait: this is great. come to my dorm to celebrate ;)

turtleboi: why the wink?

turtleboi: nvm peggy just explained it to me

turtleboi: i'll be over in like 20? she said she has to give me things to give you

justyouwait: don't bring me anything please

justyouwait: especially if it's what i think she's getting

turtleboi: she's coming back

turtleboi: i'll be right there ;)


*1 new message from groupchat*

homoshreksual: like the gifts? ;)

licensedlesbian: call them our boyfriend-warming presents

justyouwait: i loved the warning john gave me when he came to my dorm with a bag

turtleboi: oh please

turtleboi: the look on your face was priceless! you agreed too

justyouwait: yeah but did you have to show them to me when burr was still in the room?

turtleboi: yeah sorry about that

homoshreksual: jfc wtf laurens

justyouwait: my exact reaction

licensedlesbian: ok whatever forget the sex toys

licensedlesbian: i propose a double date

justyouwait: go on

licensedlesbian: saturday. 8 pm. our place. movie night. be there or be straight.

justyouwait: i'm in

homoshreksual: no, laurens is in ;)

justyouwait: nvm if she's gonna be there

homoshreksual: ;)

turtleboi: we'll be there

licensedlesbian: perfect!

a/n: hey look it's texting format and an update. what s world we live in.
but also pray for the people in las vegas and everyone affected by the shooting! idk much about what happened but so far a lot of people have died and the number is still going up, so please keep the victims in your thoughts

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