chapter 16//parties

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justyouwait: john where did you go


turtleboi: alex calm down you're just sitting with kitty, peggy's cousin

justyouwait: yeah well i don't like her so please come get me

justyouwait: she's offering me beer john

justyouwait: BEER

turtleboi: so take it

justyouwait: IM 19 I CANT DO THAT

turtleboi: fine i'll come save you

justyouwait: ok so she's flirting with me

justyouwait: john stop

justyouwait: john you can't do that

justyouwait: tHIS ISNT LEGAL

//alex pov

"John you just can't do that to people."

"Well you were too scared to do anything, so I stepped in," John defended himself.

"Yeah you stepped in and carried her to the closet and left her there, which I'm pretty sure is not okay," I said.

"Whatever. I am going to go hang with Laf and Herc, feel free to tag along."

I shakily nodded. Everything about this setting made me feel queasy. It was so far out of my comfort zone, I didn't even know there was a zone anymore.

I trailed closely behind John as we made our way through the crowd of drunken zombies. I almost crashed into him when he halted.

The music was so loud and I couldn't understand a word that was being exchanged until Laf addressed me.

"Should you not be studying?"

"Uh, J- Laurens invited me to tag along. We're kinda friends now."

"C'est suffisant. If you even so much look at a drink, I will murder you. Je l'ai?"  

I nodded. They then proceeded to drag John off somewhere, leaving Hercules and me alone together.

"So you and Laurens?"

"We're just friends!"

I was shouting every word I could to make sure he could hear me. He chuckled a little.

"What? Do you think we're enemies?"

"No, not at all. It's just that you seem like more than friends. He never spent the nights anywhere but his dorm and the lesbians'- Peggy Schuyler and Maria Lewis- before you. Now we rarely spot him in either place, he's always with you."

"Well we're just good friends, okay?"

"If you want to believe that," he chimed before wandering to start a conversation with someone else.

Suddenly, someone tugged my arm behind me, forcing me to spin around. I faced none other than Peggy Schuyler.

"Hey Alex!"

I gave her a weak wave.

"Want anything to drink?"

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