chapter 10//alex going down (the remake)

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(i felt obligated to remake this. ps the first half is the same this is just edited smut)

//john pov

Walking back to the dormitories, I noticed Alex was texting someone. I decided to text Peggy and let her know that I was officially dating him now.

turtleboi: alex and i are dating now

andhomo: you better be. what's happening now?

turtleboi: we're walking back to the dorms

andhomo: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

andhomo: hope you and your virginity had a nice 21 years together

I heard Alex giggle. I peaked over and I saw him scanning over my conversation.

"Your friend seems nice."

"She's something, that's for sure. Something gay, definitely," I joked.

"So the female version of you?"

"Making me think about her is one of the biggest turn-offs considering we are both the gayest people alive," I groaned.

He snickered. "Let me text her something."

"Fine, but tell her it's you," I commanded.

I handed him my phone and he typed away.

turtleboi: hello this is alex and i want you to know that your friend is adorable

andhomo: hello alex, this is peggy's girlfriend and i want you to know that my girlfriend is more adorable

turtleboi: nope. john is the cutest. personality especially

As he sent his texts I couldn't help but blush. If this was the sensation you felt when you had a boyfriend, I never wanted to be single. I had no idea how I lasted twenty-one years without feeling this way about someone, and someone making me feel so sheepish yet kind of flirty at the same time. I maybe wasn't good at expressing the flirty side of me, but I still felt it!

"S-stop it," I playfully nudged him.

He kept typing.

andhomo: yeah? what else about him?

turtleboi: all it takes is a simple compliment to get a smile from him and his smile is a gift to this world

"A-Alex, stop it," I giggled. My face probably looked like a tomato now.

turtleboi: also he's very persistent on getting me to watch a movie which is the cutest thing anyone has ever done

turtleboi: and it's hard to believe that there are lesbians at this school with him walking around campus

andhomo: well we've known him longer

andhomo: but anyway, you've seen this guy for the first time less than 24 hours ago. right?

turtleboi: sorta kinda yeah

andhomo: if this is how you act with him then we give you our permission to both date and fuck him

"Heh, sorry about them," I nervously laughed, trying to take away the tension. "Did you really mean what you said?"

He nodded. "Of course I did."

I suddenly picked up on the fact that I had backed him into a wall. Well, you could probably figure out what happened next. (We made out)

"Alex, my dorm would be a better place to continue this," I whispered as we broke apart.

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