chapter 27//thanks maria

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"Just add a few commas here and there, but otherwise everything looks great. Why you would even want me to edit and A+ paper is a mystery, but whatever floats your boat man."

It wasn't a fucking mystery. I knew exactly why. He sat closer, leaned into me, and even put his hand on mine, pretending it was an accident.

Laf's theory finally began to make sense, much to my displeasure.

"W-we should do this more often," he suggested. "If you want, that is."

"No, no, that sounds great," I answered politely. "Just text me."

A wide grin spread across his face.


We went our separate ways, him probably going to his dorm and me to take a walk.

Washington instructed I did more to relieve my stress and this was the easiest way to do it. Of course there were other ways I was doing that, but I couldn't necessarily do those things in the middle of campus.

Suddenly, someone shoved into me, screaming my name.

"What the fuck?!"

I lifted myself off of the ground, only to be forced back down by the person on top of me. I glanced up to see John kissing everywhere around my face.

"John what are you doing?!"

"I'm only so happy to see my boyfriend!"

"Okay, what happened?" I sighed, knowing something very good happened.

"Nothing, can't a guy be excited to see his boyfriend?"

"Normally, you would never do so much PDA. Especially with the fact everyone is staring at us."

It was true. Everyone within view was staring at us for a second, before turning back to whatever they had been doing before.

"Fine, something did happen."

"Tell me!" I demanded.

He contemplated exposing the secret here, but of course my boyfriend wanted to be a little shit.

"I'll tell you in my dorm," he hummed.

"Fuck you, I'm in."


I was not bothered by John's hot breath on my face. Nor did I mind his hands forcing my wrists to the wall. One hand traveled up my shirt and began to stroke my chest.

"Tell me," I begged.

I wouldn't get it out of him that easily. I had to use something he was not immune to: seduction.

"Tell me daddy~" I purred, "or no fun for you."

His face turned bright red and he took a step back, releasing my hands and shirt.

The tone of the room quickly shifted from sexual to jovial.

"You know how my dad came last week?"

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