"I made a mistake. I allowed myself to be bested by a wolf. Hope is my daughter too. I always put her first. I can't tell you how deeply sorry I am for risking her life. Don't be such a dick about it." 

"Save the apologies. It doesn't matter anymore. You're pathetic, Hayley." 

Tears prick my eyes for a second time. Klaus' words sting. But his words ring true. I am pathetic. What kind of mother am I? One invasion at the French Quarter, and I'm rendered useless. 

"I know I am. I need to control the powers I have. I don't know what it's like to be a hybrid. I've never felt so much hunger and desire. Teach me, Klaus. Be my teacher and show me how to use my powers. Do this and help me protect our baby next time something like this happens." I'm practically begging him. I take his hands in mine. "Please Klaus." 

He withdraws his hands slowly and nods. "Fine. You have my word." 

"Thank you. You won't regret, I promise." 

A sharp pain in my head causes me to wince. "I'm gonna clean this up. Check on Hope." 

Klaus opens my door and walks into my room without my permission. "Rebekah's with Hope. I'm going to help you." 

"I've had a lot of experience when I was on the run. I know how to take care of myself." 

"I don't doubt you. But since I'm feeling generous today, you can lie on the bed and I'll tend to your wounds." 

I know better than to argue with Klaus Mikaelson. As I make myself comfortable on the bed, Klaus appears with his supplies. The deep wound seems to be disappearing due to the healing abilities, but I kind of like how much attention he's paying to me. 

As he wipes away blood from my forehead with soapy water and cloth, I say," So there's something I have to tell you." 

"You can start by telling me why you called Elijah your mom. Is it some kind of twisted joke between you two?" He sounds slightly jealous. 

"No, of course not. That's not the case at all. I was having this dream about my parents. I think it was the day the werewolves were attacked by the vampire faction. It seemed so real. For a second, it was like I was there. My mom- she looks so much like me. My dad has the same nose as Hope." As I say this, the memory of my parents become fuzzy, and I forget the details. 

"I would've liked to meet your parents if I had the chance. If they're anything like you, I'm sure I would like them." 

A warm sensation flutters in my stomach. "Oh really? I thought I was too weak and stupid for your liking." 

"If you haven't noticed, I'm an ass. Don't listen to me. I'm rash with my words when I'm angry. The thought of losing Hope...losing you- it drives me mad." 

Without thinking, I sit up and press my lips to his. His lips are soft and full, his mouth curving perfectly with mine. He kisses me back harder, his hands weaving through my hair. And just like that, it's over. He pushes away and smirks. "What would Elijah say?" 

Elijah. Sweet, innocent Elijah. I'm such a whore. An awful person. Everytime I try to pursue a relationship with Elijah, I think of Klaus. The desire to have sex with him again is unbearable. It's maddening. 

"Sorry." I lie back down, and Klaus resumes tending my wound. But now it's tense and awkward. I keep replaying our kiss and cringing at how desperate I seem. I don't it to look like I'm playing both Mikaelson brothers. But I can't help it if I'm drawn to Klaus. And who can say no to Elijah, the white knight? 

He wraps gauze around my wound after cleaning it. "There. I'm done. By tomorrow, the wound will be gone." 


Klaus stands up to leave. "Hayley, my brother is in love with you. He doesn't show it. But I've been by his side for more than hundreds of years. I know him very well. He falls in love too quickly. I don't want to steal you from him. He would be heartbroken, and the last thing I'd want to do is betray him. I'm sure you wouldn't either. We should just be good friends and parents to our daughter from now on. I can't risk allowing my feelings to get in the way of having a strong relationship with my brother." 

"I love Elijah as well. But not in the way you think. He's the kindest, most caring person I've ever met. Yet I can't help if I'm in love with you." The words leave my mouth before I can stop them. 

Klaus blinks, surprised. "You love me?" 

He doesn't let me reply. Without another word, he leaves the room in a flash. 

"Fuck," I curse loudly. What a big fucking mistake. Congratulatons to me for revealing my true feelings to a guy who I'm pretty sure lacks emotions. Once again, I'm the world's biggest idiot. 

"Hayley, Jackson's calling you." Rebekah enters my room, holding a cordless phone. She hands it to me and leaves, valuing my privacy. 


"Hey Hayley, it's Jackson. Come by the bayou. There's someone looking for you. She claims she's Kristine. Kristine Labonair." 

This is more like a filler. I just needed some Klayley scenes for the Klayley fans reading this. However, next chapter, I promise you more surprises and more shocking, exciting events. Updating ASAP. Happy reading :) Vote. Comment. 

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