Everyone's Favorite Omega Pt. 4

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Jimin covered his mouth and leaned his head back as he laughed.

Jungkook laughed quieter, to himself, as he grabbed another handful of popcorn from their bowl.

"I love terrible movies," Ji giggled, pulling his feet up onto the couch.

Jungkook glanced over then had to do a double take. He ended up staring.

Jimin's smile was gorgeous. At first, the alpha thought it was because of the lighting or the fact that he was looking at the omega's side profile. But he slowly began to realize that Jimin was just plain beautiful.

The omega turned to get more popcorn, but his wrist laid on the side of the bowl as their eyes met. "What?" He reached up and started to mess with his hair.

Jung simply shook his head, "Nothing, I...I don't know. Just thinking, I guess."

"Oh," the omega slowly brought a single piece of their snack to his lips and turned back to the movie.

The alpha continued to stare.

The omega didn't stop him.

"Namjoon-hyung!," Jimin grabbed his friend's wrist and pulled him away from the beta he was trying to score.

"Chim, I was busy! C'mon, spit it out!"

"I need help," the omega whispered, leaning against the wall of the school.


"Getting a date...more like...a boyfriend."

"Is this about that mute kid? Chim, some people just don't like dating in high school."

"But hyung! The way he looks at me...he stares at me and it makes me feel like...he at least has thought about dating me."

"If he's thought about it, then he'll ask you."

"But I want to ask him," Jimin pouted, "I just don't know how."

"Well, do you want cheesy, dramatic, romantic, subtle-"

"I need effective."

Joon sighed and glanced down the hall, "Alright, here's what you do."

"Jungkook, you look like you've been hit by a train," Taehyung commented.

The younger alpha gave him a sarcastic look then closed his shoe locker.

"Don't be grumpy!," the older whined, "Did you get any sleep at all?"

The other sighed, shaking his head as he combed his fingers though his hair.

The older pouted then held the younger's hand. Jungkook ignored the fact that people would look at them weird, because he honestly didn't care. He was too exhausted to care.

"Kookie, is it because of Jimin?"

Kook looked to his friend, then raised his other hand and moved a flattened palm from side to side.

"Kinda? What about him?"

"Jungkook-ah!," the familiar, squeaky voice had Jungkook wrenching Taehyung's hand off his own.

The two alpha's turned to find Jimin jogging down the hall to them. He stopped in front of Jungkook, then lightly grabbed a couple of his fingers. "Meet me outside before you go to lunch, okay?"

Jungkook nodded slowly then watched Jimin saunter away.

Taehyung leaned against his friend and sighed, "You should thank me for handing that ass over to you."

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