Biker Gang Pt. 6

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"Ms. Park, can I ask a favor of you?"

Jimin's mom looked up from her book, "If you ask me again and drop the honorary."

"Jisoon," Jungkook nervously plucked at the blanket in his hand, "Could you wash this for me?"

She stood up and Jungkook's eyes followed her movement.

"It's just...I found some...some dried b-blood on it and I'm sure it's got dirt on it and I'd hate to make Jimin's sheets dirty-"

"I'll wash it, Jungkook," Jisoon smiled, "It's no trouble, really."

"Thank you. I just...with everything that happened....this is the softest thing I've ever owned and-"

Jisoon nodded once Jungkook couldn't continue. She gripped the blanket as well, watching as Jungkook's grip tightened on it, "I can have it back to you in a couple hours. Until then, I'm sorry to say my son will have to comfort you."

Kook smiled and nodded, "I might hide out in the kitchen."

She laughed and pat his arm, "Help yourself to whatever you'd like. Jimin has a sweet tooth, so we keep lots of snacks."

"Thank you."

Jisoon held his wrist and squeezed lightly before she popped up on her toes and kissed his cheek, "You're a great kid, Jungkook-ah. I'll make sure they pay for what they've done."

"Oh, no. Ms. Park, I don't wanna bother you or hyung-"

"You should remember to forget your honoraries if you wish to ask something of me," she smiled and then took his blanket before disappearing down the back hall.

Jungkook stood still for a bit, then slowly turned to go back upstairs.

He'd left Jimin to finish their game of Mario Kart, but he was sure Jimin had gotten through the last race by now.

Jimin's second Wii remote was low on battery, so they played one player mode and alternated turns.

Jungkook didn't have a problem with that. He didn't have a Wii at his house, so he was just happy Jimin trusted him enough to share everything with him, no questions asked.

He adored that quality; generosity was something he was very thankful for. He tried to be giving, but the truth of the matter was that he didn't have much to give. He had only what he needed and was afforded very little luxury. His bed was even given to him by Tae Hyung when his older brother went off to college. Jungkook's dad sold his old bed to pay for his new wife's alcohol addiction.

When had everything gone so wrong?

His mother died, but even that didn't spark his father's change. He'd took care of Jungkook wonderfully until Kook was twelve. He hadn't changed until Jungkook's stepmom had been living with them for two years. It was like one day, one random day four years ago, a switch flipped in his dad's head and suddenly Jungkook didn't matter anymore.

"Kookie, are you just gonna stand in the doorway all day?" Jimin giggled, the sound of kart motors in the background.

Jungkook watched him for a few seconds then slowly stepped over to loom over Jimin's sitting form.

The older paused their game and looked up at him, "Kookie?"

Jungkook suddenly fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around Jimin's shoulders.

"Jungkook?," the older turned slightly and placed his hands on the other's hips, "Kookie, what's wrong?"

"I love you," the taller sobbed out, his fingers clutching Jimin's shirt, "I love you, hyung. I love you."

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