Chapter 1: There Was An Idea

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Everyday since Thanos brought his reign to earth, Tony couldn't help but wonder who he could've saved if he had some more help whether it be by machine or hero. This taunts him. He has vivid nightmares of the battle, seeing Peter stumble on his feet, feeling the pain of dying as he dusted away. He was happy to have Peter back in his life after that horrific event, but fear still haunts him. Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor and even Loki. Everyone in his dreams were dying now though half of them were still alive. The pain he felt when he used the stones to end Thanos and his army.

He was grateful to be alive and able to watch his daughter, Morgan, grow. Tony's fear was having an equally as strong to Thanos enemy attacking Earth again and wiping out nearly all living creatures. Stress like this took everything out of him. He was becoming an empty shell that even Pepper, his now wife, couldn't fill up. She too was becoming hopeless. One night he laid awake thinking, just thinking. Something he does often but rarely the way he's doing it right now. He looked over at his wife, thinking of their future, something he hasn't been able to do for a while. He smiles at her heavily sleeping body and admiring her peacefulness but also envying it as he hasn't slept properly in over a a year.

He starts thinking about all the things that they could do if he were to just give up Iron Man. The lavishing, romantic vacations to exotic countries, spending every waking moment with each other "till death do they part", maybe even another kid. Morgan would certainly love to have a younger brother or sister. Peter would enjoy having another adopted sibling. More kids. Just thinking about more kids brings him back to leaning over a physically broken Peter Parker. His slight happy feeling was now gone. He thought of the "spiderling" as his own son though he'll never admit it in public... ever.

After minutes of replaying what was the now 17 year Old's death, he began thinking again. He began to think of the young heroes out there that never get recognition for what they do. How does he know about said young heroes? Why should you ask? He's fucking Tony Stark. He knows everything. Some of which he knows of that he regrets his young self's opinion on. Though at that time they were considered monsters and it was just embedded in his head from a young age. It was like racism. A group of individuals who were exiled because their gifts were terrifying at the time. He knows of Xavier's School for The Gifted. He also wonders how they have managed to stay hidden for so long.

Tony knows of certain mutants, ones he's secretly watched in action or ones who has accidentally made themselves known in New York City's fine security cameras. He found that footage and kept it for himself, replacing it with loops of no action footage. He studied these gifted youngsters. Admired them even. At the ages of 10-18 he wouldn't have had the guts to do anything that these kids have done. He sees their potential. Wonders how he can get to know these wonders of amazing human beings. Then it clicks. Jumping out of bed, trying not to wake Pepper, he runs to his den where his creations are.

"Friday?" He says out in the open.

"Yes Mr. Stark?" She replies.

"Turn on the lights and my software please. I have an idea." He responds.

"Creating another suit Mr. Stark?" The AI asks curiously.

"No, something better." Stark replies with a smile on his face as he watches all of his computers boot up.

"Time to get to work." Stark says to himself fondly.

It took him a few nights and a few days, but he finally accomplished something great. Something spectacular. Something that one day will be open to many young heroes as a safe place to grow. To become something more. Tony ran his idea across Nick Fury and he gave Tony permission to proceed. Tony needed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s approval since they will be turning the headquarters into to his plan. All S.H.I.E.L.D. tech will be used. Tony wasted no time in pushing forward.

Pepper was proud of her husband and hoped that this would give him the piece of mind he needed. Nick Fury had this idea called the Avengers Initiative. Now Tony has his idea, his initiative. Now, he would like to introduce to all heroes, the Avengers Academy. A safe place for all young heroes. He just needs faces, new blood. Those who are dedicated to the safety of all living creatures. A bright future for their world. See if they could work together when the universe needs them to fight the battles that most people never could. 

Yes, it takes a while to get any traction, but this was something that needed to be done. The universe was in restoration. They need hope and THE Tony Stark was about to give it to them. It is now or never. Tony preferred now. Making it a good enough reason to get things going immediately. Renovations were done within a day. Technology rewired and reprogrammed. B.A.R.F. tech lined every conference room. Friday and E.D.I.T.H. lined every room. It was truly a work of art and when finished, Tony couldn't help but have a tear spring to his eye.

It was everything he had thought of. The perfect academy campus suited for powers of all kinds. Personally tested my Ms. Wanda Maximoff herself. Clean, sleek, and sophisticated.

"Alright, I think it's time." Tony places his hands on his hips as he stood outside the front doors.

"Bring in the new blood. School is open." With that, a beautiful future has begun.

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