Chapter 17- Get Ready!! Set! Read!

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Okay, before the chap starts, I just wanted to ask something. So, normally I don't do this because I don't like too but...Please tell me on this chap what y'all think out it, how ya feel, and all that ish. This is a chap I have been working up to and I really want to know how it makes you feel and what you think and all. So please leave a comment.


Third Person POV –

Mercy and Naruto where walking home from the store with a few groceries in their hands. It was very late at night now, as they walked past the Uchiha compound on their way home. They stopped when they heard something.

"No! I don't want to die!" They looked at each other briefly before taking off in the direction of the familiar voice. As they entered the compound, they saw Sasuke crying and running through the middle of the street that divided the Uchiha complex.

"No!" He screamed as Itachi appeared in a flash. He was crouching at the top of a pole that was on top of a house. The house was at the end of the road as it broke up the main street of the compound into two ways. His eyes were a bright red with a dark black shape that looked like a star turning in circles in the middle of his eyes. Mercy and Naruto ran to Sasuke as he started to trip and fall down. Mercy had caught him before he could land on the hard ground and held him as he tightly gripped her. Naruto stood protectively in front of the both of them as Itachi jumped from his post to stand in front of them. He held a very intimidating demeanor; as no emotions were evident on his face at all, only the blood of his victims showed.

"KURAMA!" Mercy yelled as she sensed massive danger from the man that stood before them. Not even a second later a poof appeared right in front of Naruto as Kurama stood in his fox form which had grown over the past year. He was a medium sized fox now as he stood in between Itachi and the children. His fangs where bared as his chest rumbled with a loud, threatening growl.

"Take the kit away, I'll handle this!" He said looking back at the kids shortly before he turned to face his opponent. He rolled his shoulders as he got ready for the upcoming fight he knew would not be easy. "Oh this is going to be fun." He chuckled darkly as he looked at the Uchiha with an evil glint in his eyes. Itachi's sharingan shone in reply to the foxes comment, but besides that, he gave no indication at what he was going to do, still an emotionless wall.

"My family! My mom and dad! Gone!" Sasuke wept loudly as his grip on Mercy tightened. She looked over at Naruto quickly, as they had a silent conversation between themselves before he let out an irritated sigh but nodded towards her nonetheless.

Mercy leaned down towards Sasuke's level as she spoke, "Show me..." She said softly to the frightened boy. Sasuke nodded and wiped his tears  as he lead them to the room his parents where in. Just as the kids left, Kurama charged Itachi with a dark smug look very clear on his fox face. Killer intent leaking from every part of him.


Naruto grimaced at the sight before him as Mercy covered her mouth. They all stood in the doorway to the room that held Sasuke's parents. Seeing them there, Sasuke ran to his parents and fell at his their sides, landing on his knees. Tears running down his face like a river as he bent forward putting his head down to rest on his mother's stomach as he gripped her shirt with both of his hands. "Why?!?"  He screamed in pain. However, it was not physical pain he was feeling, no, it was emotional pain at seeing his parents like this. Dead.

Mercy looked at Naruto again and nodded to him in silent confirmation before she walked over towards Sasuke and his parents. She got on her knees at the head of his parents as she spoke. "I'll see what I can do." Sasuke looked up at her confused as she looked at him before she turned her attention towards his mother and father and her adoptive parents.

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