Chapter 2- It is How it Always is

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I have always watched over the little boy. I've seen everything he's gone through. All the pain and suffering. I've been with him through the horrid nights, filled with nightmares and tears. I've seen it all and been through it too, and I hate it. I hate how this boy has been treated his whole life, and I hate that It's all because of me. I'm the reason he's called a demon, a monster, and a freak. I'm what's sealed inside this young boy and what causes his life to be awful. I've tried to help and take care of him, but with the seal still so strong.....I can't do much and it angers me. I try to heal him when I can. Leak my chakra out to him to give him some strength, but it's still not enough. All I can really do is just watch this kit get beaten day in and day out. Feeling everything he feels and seeing everything he sees.

The day was the same as every other. Wake up, get beaten, and go eat, get beaten, and add a few more beatings then voilà, time to go to bed to start the awful day again. I was watching as a piece of jerky was holding the little boy up by the collar of his shirt. He was throwing insults left and right. I heard the boy plead for him to stop; I felt the emotions coursing through the boy. Anger, sadness, fear, but none of that stopped the bully. He kept hurting the little boy with words as his group laughed. Then I felt a sting on my check. The young boy had been slapped, hard. I felt rage and hate run through my veins. I was sick and tired of what this small boy had to go through. All I wanted was to get out and destroy this worthless village! With all its ungrateful and idiotic people too! I was seething when then, out of the blue; a blur rushed past the bullies and tackled the leader. I was shocked for a second, but then ...."HA! HA!" I busted out laughing!! I was rolling on the floor of my cell holding my stomach. "HA!!! That's what you get you jerk!! Karma sure is a-"

(Ah, ah, ah! Keep it g-rated ~Author-chan)

"What? Who invited you?!"

(Me, myself, and I.)

"You're not even supposed to be in the story, though!"

(Eh...who cares. Now, no cursing young man!)

"Fine! Urg....uh, karmas a....a....a, you know! A"

(There you go! Good boy!)

"Oh shut it and get out of here before you ruin the story!"

( Urg! Fine! No need to get your panties in a twist)

I watched at what unfolded before the little boy. The girl was standing up for him. That was a first. I felt the young boy's emotions as hope found its way into his heart, only for it to be crushed right after. I let a loud growl out. I was beyond mad now that these stupid kids ruined the small boy's last chance at something good.

"Because he's a demon!!" I heard that annoying bully say. I felt the little boy's sadness and pain as he looked down towards the ground. I could feel the looks of hate and disgust aimed toward him. I'll be honest, it made my heart wrench for the boy. I knew, just like he did, that this girl would be just like all the other. I couldn't help but feel the same as the little boy.....broken. But, there was still a small part of me that wanted to believe that this girl would be different then all the others. However, the rest of me knew better. Knew that she'd turn right around and insult us just like everybody else. That's how it's always been and that's how it will always be. Me and the boy, left all alone with no body to care for us.

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