Chapter 3- His Name is Kurama

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"Because he's a demon!" The main bully said disgustedly towards the little boy, looking at him with hate. Turning to look back at the girl, the bullies expected to see her horrified and just as disgusted towards the boy. The little boy looked down towards the ground, unfallen tears clouding his eyes. The last, tiny bit of hope he had, gone as the barrier of pain yet again rebuilt itself. He knew that now, she would take back everything she said and hate him just like everyone else. He felt so crushed, he was all alone again, no one to help. He felt hopelessly and utterly.....broken.
That's how it's always been and that's how it will always be. Me and the boy, left all alone with no body to care for us.

Shadows covered the young girls face as she let what they had just said sink in. The bullies all wore smug looks on their faces, knowing that they had won over the girl now. The small boy sat still on the ground, defeat written all over his face.

"A demon you say..." The girl said slowly, showing no emotion.

"Exactly! He's a monster and deserves to die!" The leader replied back.

"Your....your wrong!" The girl looked up with a furious glare. The bullies all took a step back, shocked and scared of the look that they were receiving. The young boy's neck snapped up, looking at the girl, all he felt was....happiness. No one had ever dared to say something like that for him. He felt relief from finding one, even if it's just one, person who didn't care about what he was or what people said. This little girl still wanted to help even though she knew the truth now. The beast inside the boy was happy to, for the first time in a long time. The beast was also shocked that the girl would do something like this, but he was happy to feel the boy's emotions completely fill with joy and hope. This girl might have just saved the young boy in more than one way.

"Wha-what?!?" All the bullies yelled towards the girl.

"What is wrong with you?!? We just tol-"

"I don't care what you said!! You know nothing!" The girl exclaimed, breathless. "Look at him! He looks like us! You can't say he's a monster if you've only heard others say that! You don't know him!"


The sound rang through the alley. The girl's head snapped in the direction she had been slapped in with such force.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!" The bully who slapped her, grabbed her arm and through her towards the ground. "You're the one who knows nothing!"

The girl looked up from her place on the ground, eyes strong, not wavering in the slightest. "I know more than you." She said looking the bully right in the eye. Time seemed to slow down for the small boy as he looked at her defenseless self on the ground. "What? W-why is she doing this? She'll only get hurt if she doesn't stop." He thought to himself. "I need to tell her...tell her to stop....I'm not worth it."



His plead for her to stop this was interrupted by her being kicked in the ribs.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" The bully repeated, kicking the girl each time with more force.

"Stop.." The little boy tried to say, but the small word fell on deaf ears as the rest of the bullies joined their leader in hurting the precious young girl. She tried to silence the screams that wanted to escape her mouth because of all the pain she was feeling. She didn't want to yell out and give the bullies the satisfaction of knowing they were hurting her. She closed her eyes tight and bit down on her bottom lip, drawing blood as she tried to block out the pain and take it till the jerks were done. With a mighty kick, one of the bullies kicked the girl as hard as they could in her stomach. Her eyes flew open as she coughed blood up. Hacking and spitting out the red liquid. The bullies just watched and laughed.

"Serves you right!" One bully said. .

"She totally deserves this!" Another said.

"She's probably a demon too!" Yelled yet another, or maybe the same one. The girl couldn't keep up. Her head was spinning and she was starting to see black spots. All she wanted to do was throw up as the pain in her stomach and sides increased. It was almost unbearable.

All the boy could do was watch as the girl, the only person to ever stand up for him; get beat right before his eyes. He looked at them with a look mixed with fear for the girl's sake, and sadness that he couldn't do anything but watch. The boy watched as one of the bullies kicked the girl hard, so hard she threw up blood. He watched with a shocked face. How could they do this? How could they be so mean, so cold, and so...ruthless? The shock, fear, and sadness seemed to all fade as rage, pure and hot, filled him from head to toe. In that moment all he saw was red.

The beast inside the boy stood up inside his cell. He could feel it. All the boy's rage. He could also feel his own building up at what was happening. The beast looked towards his cage's gate as the rage of the boy began to eat at the seal that keep the animal locked up. The boy for once, had a reason to fight, a reason to live. He had hope and he wasn't going to let it go. The animal inside him could feel it and because the boy wanted something so bad for the first time, he began to break the seal without even knowing it.

A simple tear was heard throughout the beast's cage. Signaling the seal had been broken somewhat. The tear was not big, but it was wide enough for the animal inside to do as he pleased. He let his anger infused chakra leak out more than it had ever before. The rage of the beast and the boy swirled together, creating a hurricane of pure anger. The boy felt power surge through him, strong power that gave the boy strength he had never known before.

"What is this?" The boy looked at his hands, clenching them and unclenching, feeling his new strength run through every fiber of him.

"It's mine and your rage together." The boy heard a voice say in his head.

"Ah!" The boy squeaked as he jumped slightly at the new voice.

"W-who are you?" The boy asked in a hushed tone.

"I'm what's going to help you kick those idiot's butts. Name's Kurama, kit."

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