I Take the Chance of a Life Time!!! My Name Is....No!!!!

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Ok so like I am really sad I didn't notice this before. I don't know how much y'all actually pay attention to the titles but I had one named "My Name Is...."and I am so sad...that.....I didn't think of the song No by Megan Trainer!!!! Like come on!!!! There's a perfect song reference right there but no! I had to miss my chance...so...I will just have to take my chance, now!!!


"KURAMA!!! SING THIS LYRIC FOR MEH!!!" I yelled pointing a microphone towards the Fox. (Don't ask where I got it from)

"AHH! What are u doing here!!??!" Kurama screamed as he jolted awake from his peaceful slumber to see a girl standing right next to him with a....microphone?

"Uh....making you sing...so sing." I say moving the microphone closer towards him.

"NO! I was sleeping and I want to go back to sleep! So bye!" He yells as he seems very mad.

"But you're always sleeping."

"I....I am not!"

"Name a time when you weren't." I say crossing my arms across my chest.

"Uh..um... well...uh that time! In...uh.." Kurama struggles to think of a good time he hadn't really been sleeping.

"In Kansas? Yeah. No. So now sing!"

"This is what you interrupted my precious sleep AND broke the fourth wall for!" He said giving me a 'are-you-serious' look.

"........Duh!" I chirp happily.

"No, I'm going back to sleep." He says tiredly and lies back down.

"No, you are going to sing!" I say pointing my microphone up towards the sky and taking a pose.

"No!" And then, that's when the war started.

I charged Kurama as his eyes went wide and he scrambled to get up and out of my way. Just barely missing my out stretched arms. I turned toward where he stood now, my eyes gleaming with determination. He gulped loudly, knowing he was in for the fight of his life, none the less, he readied himself for the oncoming attack. I ran toward him at full speed, as he jumped out of my way yet again. I skidded to a stop and changed directions, running at him again, but he had other plans. He swatted at me with one of his paw as I neared him. I ducked under it, barely avoiding it. I rolled left and readied my fist to punch his side. He blocked my fist with his paw swiping backwards with his arm and then under, making my arm bend in an awkward position as he kept it there and forced me to turn my back to him. I had to get out of this, if I didn't, it'd be the end for me. I used my right leg and brought it up to kick him in the other side. However, he had seen this coming and brought down his other paw on my leg, making it make context with the floor and bend at the knee. Oh that hurt, but I wasn't out yet. I used my left leg and swung it around with as much force as I could. He caught it with his paw and laughed.

"Thought that was going to work? Please." Kurama said quite cockily.

"Nope!" He looked at me confused before I smirked at him; my arm had been freed when he had caught my other leg. I put both of my hands on the ground as I leaned forward and put all my weight on them. I tightened my core and shifted my lower body with as much force as I could. The leg he had caught at his side, dug in to him causing him to lessen the pressure on the other. The bent leg straightened slightly and moved under the foxes legs, making him lose his grip on both legs and fall sideways as his own collapsed under him. I moved swiftly and stood above the fallen fox. I used my foot to roll him over so he was on his back. I then placed my foot on his chest and applied slight pressure, causing him to grunt in discomfort. I smirked in victory and took the microphone from out of my pocket, where I had placed before the fight started to make sure it wouldn't be damaged. I pointed the microphone at him, still standing above his defeated form.

"Sing the lyric." I said in a commanding voice. He paused for a second, before he looked me right in the eye. He smirked.



To be continued......

Haaaaaa! Oh my gosh! Guys I'm sorry for what you just read! I was looking back at this book trying to remember the story...(kind of forgot some parts because it's been awhile...not really but I still forgot soo...yeah) and I saw that chapter "My Name Is..." and instantly said my name is...no! And boom! Idea after idea came, and now y'all have a silly chap y'all can enjoy...or a silly chap that makes u question my sanity....either is fine.

Hope y'all enjoyed! Let meh know! Until next time!! Bye!!!

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