Chapter 14- Uh...Is Anybody Going To Help Itachi?

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Third Person POV-

After Kurama had made an appearance, Anko and Itachi jumped up into fighting stances at the sudden new voice. Kurama in turn bared his fangs with a loud warning growl while he stood protectively in front of both Mercy and Naruto. Mercy and Naruto were quite nervous at this but proceeded to calm Kurama down. After this, they explained the best they could about Kurama and who he was which at first shocked both ninjas profoundly. Anko was very skeptical about the whole situation. Itachi, however, seemed to be curious, especially at how the fox reacted towards the both of them in trying to protect the kids. In the end, the fox warmed up to the two new people and so did they. After that day, Itachi and Anko would come over regularly to check on the kids and make sure they were feed and okay. Itachi made it a habit to come in the evenings bringing food whether from his family or from a quick stop at the store. Mercy and Naruto were always excited to open the door now because they knew it would be a good treat awaiting them. Anko would teach Mercy and help her with control on her abilities when she had the time. She would also occasionally help Naruto with some training but it was usually Itachi who would teach Naruto while Kurama would grumble in the background and try and correct Itachi's teaching (Jealous much?). This was how the months after they first meet went as they slowly became a small little family all on their own. That was until one day a new member was introduced to them.




"Coming!" Naruto yelled excitedly as he and Mercy ran to the door. They knew it would be Itachi because it was the usual time he brings food to them. Oh yeah, they were defiantly excited to see the food...I mean I don't. Naruto opened the door, while slightly jumping up and down, to see they were right it was food!...I mean no, I meant food.

"Hi Naruto, Mercy, I brought food." He said raising the bag of goodness to show the awaiting kids. "I also brought someone with me. Hope you both don't mind. I thought you both would like to meet him." Mercy and Naruto looked up towards Itachi with their little heads tilted to the side. Oh how Itachi thought they were so cute! He just wanted to drop the bag of food and pinch their adorable checks... but he knew he'd regret it if he did...he speaks from experience.

"Who is it big brother Tachi?" Naruto asked looking up at his 'big brother'.

"Yeah." Mercy said nodding her head in agreement with her brother. Right when they were done talking a little boy the same height as Naruto poked his head out from behind Itachi. He looked like a little mini version of the great Itachi himself. The little boy had black hair that spiked up a bit in the back, and dark black eyes to match. He wore a dark blue shirt that looked a bit too big for him with white shorts. The colors he wore made his fair complexion pop.

Itachi looked down towards the small new boy and smiled. "This is my little brother, Sasuke." He looked back towards the other two to see what they would do with this new information. It seemed to take a second before it clicked in their little heads what he had said. Chuckling lightly to himself, Itachi watched the most precious scene he had ever seen unfold in front of him. Like a flash the little girl pulled Sasuke out from behind his brother and hugged him.

"Hiya!! I'm Mercy! It's so cool to meet ya!" She said bouncing on her toes as she let go of the poor shocked Uchiha. The poor little boy nodded numbly towards the ecstatic girl as he tried to recover from his shock, he had never been hugged like that before. Naruto came over to the boy but not as excited as his sister, he was a bit more... 'gruff'.

Naruto rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest as he looked in the other direction away from the little Uchiha. This shocked Sasuke out of his previous daze as he quickly grew annoyed and glared towards this new boy. Mercy slapped Naruto's arms lightly.

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