Chapter 5- Karma's a.....a....a, You Know! A

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~Ok, I have a real quick question. Who has heard the new-ish song Believer by Imagine Dragons? I love Imagine Dragons and their new song is amazing! least I think so. Let me know what y'all think about it! :) ~


"I need you to lose yourself to the rage."

".......Huh?" The little boy's nose scrunched up in confusion at Kurama's words.

"You know that rage you felt as you watched the girl take the beating that was meant for you?" Kurama replied to the small boy.

"Y-yeah. I think so."

"Well, I need you to let that rage build inside of you. I need you to let it grow. I need you to let the rage consume you inside and out. Every thought, every cell, every single part of you till that's all you feel, all you know." Kurama explained to the boy.

"And this will help the girl?" The boy asked, not quite sure what was being asked of him.

"Yes." Came Kurama's simple reply.

"Ok then." With that the boy closed his eyes, and clenched his hands hard. He focused on letting the rage he felt earlier swell inside his chest. It collected, slowly forming a small hurricane of emotions, but he felt like it wasn't enough. He started to fuel it with thoughts about beatings he had had. He relieved the pain, the heart ache, and suffering. These thoughts made him even angrier, adding to the hurricane of rage, as he thought about how someone could be this cruel to him, to anyone. But, it still wasn't enough, so he thought of the girl. How she ran into the alley to save him only for her to be scorned, laughed at, and now beaten. This gave him a whole new wave of anger, much stronger and more powerful than his anger from before. He was going to stop them! He was going to make them pay!! The boy's mind became foggy, thoughts hard to make, as a surge of a new power took over his body. The boy couldn't feel anything. He felt disconnected from his own body. He was confused and worried about this.

"It's me. I took control over your body, but don't worry, I'll be able to make the scum pay now." Kurama said, finishing in a quite dark and scary tone of voice.

The boy felt himself be pushed to the back of his own mind as Kurama took complete control. The little boy's body began to change; his eyes became a deep, blood red with a simple black slit down the middle. His finger nails elongated into claws, and his canines become more prominent and sharp. Red chakra surrounded the boy, covering him like a cloak as four tails of red chakra formed from the bottom of his spine. He now looked more beast-like then anything. The boy, now Kurama, looked towards the bullies who never stopped their assault on the poor girl.


The bullies stop scared and confused at the sound, and looked towards the boy. Their eyes widened, one shrieked, they were utterly terrified now. Kurama smirked, he was glad they were scared; it would make things more fun. Swiftly, he charged the bullies, barely even seen as he attacked them.

The girl looked up from her place on the ground, confused why the bullies stopped. She hadn't heard the roar since she had been too focused on not passing out while still trying to tune out all the pain. What she saw now shocked her to her bones. The boy was no longer a boy but an animal like creature. She watched as he charged the bullies, attacking them brutally. He clawed, bit, and tore at them. Some of the bullies tried to run away, but the boy would not have that. He was in front of them in a flash, grabbing their arms and throwing them several feet back into the alley, forcing all the bullies in one place. Some were clutching bloody arms, others were holding their scratched up face, yet still others held their side's that were covered in blood. Kurama smirked yet again, relishing in the pain they felt, watching with amusement at the tears running down their faces, everything about it pleased him. The girl watched as the boy began to stalk towards the bullies, like a predator stalking its prey.

"He's not stopping. This isn't good. He'll kill them if I don't stop him." The girl looked towards the bullies, seeing them all beaten up and injured. Even though they had just hurt her not even five minutes before, she couldn't let this happen to them. With much difficulty, she worked her way up till she was standing. Then she forced her way in front of the bullies, standing in the way of the boy's quest for blood. He stopped looking at her confused, and then he let out an aggressive growl.

"Get out of the way." The boy commanded in an ancient and dark voice.

"No." The girl said sternly, not backing down an inch.

The boy let out another ferocious growl, "WHY?! They hurt you! Why protect scum like them?!" He demanded as beginning his charge towards the bullies again.

"NO!" The girl yelled forcing her very hurt and probably broken arms up to block his way. The boy stopped yet again, but anger filled his eyes.

"Why is she protecting them?" Kurama thought, "Their awful, all they do is hurt people they deserve to die!" Kurama said out loud this time.

"No!" The girl said once again." Stop this! Don't do this! You'll end up being exactly what they call you! A monster! A demon!"

The little boy heard her, even though he was sitting at the back of his mind, he heard what she said. Kurama felt the boy beginning to take control again, the boy's anger dissolving. Kurama looked at the girl; he knew she was right, if he killed them he would end up making the boy look exactly like what they called him. Of course that doesn't mean he didn't still want to kill them, however, he wanted what was best for the boy. So Kurama let the boy take compete control again, as he was now pushed back into his cage and put to sleep. The boys featured started to change once again. His eyes faded from red to their natural color. The claws turned back into regular hands. His canines shorten back to regular size. The tails of red chakra slowly vanished. The boy looked like himself again. The young girl let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

The boy felt exhausted now, he started to fall forwards but the small girl caught him before he landed on the ground. She shrank to the ground while still holding the boy, allowing him to rest on her better.

"T-thank....y-you..." The little boy mumbled, barely able to even speak as he faded in and out of unconsciousness.

"Your welcome." The girl replied softly. She turned her head towards the bloodied bullies, who had watched everything with wide eyes. "Go." She commanded somewhat sternly, leaving no room for question. One by one, the bullies turned in the opposite direction, taking off to who knows where, leaving the girl there as she still held  the young boy, all by themselves deep in the alley....all alone.

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