Chapter 4- There's a Voice in My Head.....Is That Normal?

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"I'm what's going to help you kick those idiot's butts. Name's Kurama, kit."
"What?" The boy asked out loud, utterly confused.

"My name is Kurama and I'm here to help." The voice said again, slowly this time.

"What?" The boy repeated.

The beast inside the boy, Kurama as he called himself, did the only thing he could at that moment. Facepalm. Or facepaw, since he is an animal.

"You're hopeless. And! You just ruined my awesome intro into the story." Kurama replied.

"Wait..what? What story?" The boy asked confused.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. All you need to know is that we are going to hurt some butts and help that girl. Sound good?" Kurama explained.

"You can really save her?" The boy asked the voice inside of him.

"Yes, but....I need you to do something." Kurama spoke hesitantly.

"What? I'll do anything to help her!"
The boy exclaimed, wanting nothing more than to help the girl out.

"I need you to lose yourself to the rage."

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