Chapter 12- Don't You Get That I'm Shooing You Away With My Eyes.

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Mercy's POV-

I watched as the bullies kicked Naruto in the face. He screamed louder this time but he seemed like he didn't even know it was him who had done it. His eyes began to roll towards the back of his head as his body started to become slack. Then, his eyes closed and he went completely limp.

"NOOOO!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He was hurt bad and I need to get to him. I was trying to get up but I ended up just crumpling back towards the ground. There was a horrible pain in my left ankle; it seems I sprained it sometime during this mess of a time. Even if it hurt, I knew I had to get to Naruto no matter what. I tried again but before I could even get my feet under me, I heard a new voice speak.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Release!"



Another cliffhanger!! HAAA!! I got chu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that readers!

Did you think I was serious?....Of course no- HA! I am. Now bye!

HA! Got you again!! Ok sorry. Here's the rest of the story.

I turned around just in time to see someone... breathing fire? I didn't have much time to consider that fact as the fire rushed past me and towards the bullies. It surrounded them and engulfed a limb here and there as it swirled around the group, trapping them in a circle of fire. The bullies shrieked. A few already had burns that looked pretty bad.

"You kids should know when to stop."

We all turned towards the dark and ominous voice. The voice belonged to a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail, with onyx colored eyes, and a white army vest over a black tank top paired with black pants. He looked at the bullies in the ring of fire with a very, very intimidating look.

"W-we were just..uh, just.."

"What? Hurting someone who can't defend themselves?" Each word he spoke was laced with so much disgust and anger, they were practically dripping with it.

"Uh..w-well...uh.. He's a demon! He deserves it!" One the bullies tried again, pointing to Naruto as if it would explain everything.

"Hn. Is that so?" The man said in a bored tone, his face emotionless with only an eyebrow raise.

"Y-yeah!!" The bully said taking more confidence in himself, thinking that now the man would listen to them and hopefully leave them alone.


"Don't listen to them!"

"Huh?" He stopped confused at the new input on to the conversation. He turned towards me and looked down with his very scary eyes that showed no emotion.

"They don't know anything!" He raised an eyebrow at me as I tried to get up. I struggled quite a lot, but I couldn't afford to let the pain win. I caught myself just as I was about to fall and pushed through the pain in my ankle to stand up completely. He was at least a foot taller than me but I wasn't going to back down. I looked him directly in the eye and spoke.

"They don't know anything. Don't listen to them." I said with as much confidence that I could muster. He seemed shocked that I could even look him in the eye, much less with all the confidence I was emitting.

"Hn." He looked from me and then towards the bullies. He didn't say anything else as he did this. I held my breath, waiting for what going to happen next. He looked at me once more, seeing that I was still holding myself quite well even in a situation like this.

"Leave." He said in a commanding voice. "Wha? Is he talking to me? I mean he is looking at me."

He turned towards the bullies once more, his eyes glowing as the fire reflected in them. "Leave." He said again, but with a more of an authoritative tone of voice as the fire disappeared from around the meanie-beanies. I released the breath I had been holding in relief, only to suck in a quick breath as I looked towards Naruto's damaged body.

"B-but..." They stopped what they were saying with just one look from the very terrifying man standing right in front of them. The kids began to tremble at the look they were receiving and took off as fast as they could. I ignored them as they left and stumbled towards Naruto's unconscious body as the flames were completely gone now. I bent down towards him tears falling from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I say as I start trying to move his body so that he could lean on me. I put him in a sitting position trying to be as careful as I could be. Once, he was good in that position I sat on my knees right next to him and put one of his arms over my shoulders. If I could get us home, I could hopefully help him. I tried to stand with him leaning on me and almost fell but the strange man from before caught both me and Naruto before we could face-plant into the ground.

"Let me help you." He said softly as he smiled very kindly towards me. All the meanie-ness I had seen before, gone, but I couldn't afford to trust him just yet. I looked at him suspiciously, in which he returned it with a small laugh.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help." He spoke in an even softer tone, treading very carefully, knowing I didn't trust him in the slightest.

"Thank you, but we'll be okay." I said as I took a step back, fixed Naruto's position on me, and started walking out of the alley. As I was almost out, I ran into someone else standing right at the end of the alley. Her arms were crossed across her chest and she had a very judgy look on her face. She had purple short hair in which she had tied back into a small ponytail with some pieces sticking out, and dark gray-purple-ish eyes. She was wearing the same uniform as the strange guy, but she was a bit taller than him.

"Excuse me." I say trying to get past her. She just grunted in reply and moved out of the way.

"Anko, be nice." I hear the strange man say as I feel Naruto get much lighter. I look over to see the man having put Naruto's other arm around his shoulders, helping me carry him. He smiled at me as he saw me look at him with an untrusting look. It wasn't just an untrusting look, I was actually telling him to leave us alone and shoo with my eyes, but he apparently didn't get that.

"I'll just help you carry him; he seems too heavy just for you to carry alone." I nodded stiffly as I continued walking only to be jerked back. I look over to see the purple haired lady roughly pulling the man's arm. I watched as she harshly whispered something towards him, thinking I wouldn't be able to hear her, but I could.

"What are you doing?"  He gave her a lazy look that was followed by a sighed "Hn".

"I'm helping. What does it look like?"

She got closer towards the man, a bit more aggressive in how she was talking now, "Don't you know what he is?" She motioned towards Naruto with her head....I'm actually shocked she didn't end up head butting the guy....that would have been funny.

He looked at her lazily again, and then looked back as me and Naruto before speaking to the lady. "And why should I care?" He said as he looked back at her, his gaze hardening considerably before he ripped his arm out of her tight grip. He moved Naruto a bit as to have an easier time carrying him. Once, he was situated, he met my watching gaze with a warm smile.

"Let's get you two home."

With that, I let a man I didn't even know help me carry my injured brother home.


Okay, before the comments start, yes Anko was not in the ANBU in NARUTO but I don't care! She could have been and we just didn't know! She was skilled enough to be in the ANBU, so yeah.

Hope y'all enjoyed! Until next time! BYE!

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