Chapter 10- Don't Be A Monster Like Them

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Okay, before the story starts, I need to ask a serious question. It's been bugging me for awhile and I need help in finding the answer. Okay, so this is kind of a deep and philosophical question but don't get mad please! you haven't eaten all day and then you eat "lunch", is it still called "lunch" even though it's your first meal of the day? Or would it be called like "late breakfast" or just "breakfast" even though it's not morning? Like, dude, these are the serious questions in life we need to be asking and finding the answers for!!! Get y'all priorities right, vato!....okay sorry, onto the story......


Naruto's POV -

I listened to what the jerk had just said in front of us. "Like heck is he going to do something to us!"



"What?" I said as I looked down towards the voice.

"Don't do it. It'll just cause more problems." Mercy says still looking at the soon to be bullies. I just looked at her with a face of confusion and disbelief.

"Let's get this over with; I want to get home for dinner on time." The jerk said acting all high and mighty as he came towards us with a few of his friends behind him. Me and mercy holding or own, not moving an inch, showing we weren't afraid of him in the slightest.

"Acting tough, huh?" "Really? We are not the ones acting, fool. Look in the mirror first before...wait....never mind, don't do that, you might break it."

Mercy giggled letting me know she heard my thoughts. I smirked towards her before turning back towards the dummies... I mean bullies (I always get those two confused) and glared.

"What's so funny, ugly?" "Oh heck no, I know he did not jus-" my thought was interrupted by the lead bully taking Mercy roughly by the arm and throwing her towards his group of idiots.

"How about we teach you a lesson first?" He asks with a hideous smirk. I growled, I was getting angry and was prepared to do whatever was necessary. The bully looked my way with an eyebrow raised. "What you want a lesson instead?"

"NO! Leave him alone!" I watched as Mercy was kicked down.

"Shut up! You'll get your turn in a sec!" And with that the bullies charged me and begin to beat, kick, and punch me. "AH! Let me kill them!" I heard Kurama yelling my head, he was angry and so was I. I was about to let Kurama have his way when I heard Mercy.

"Please, don't. Stop it! All of you!"

"Shut up!"

"Kurama! Listen to me don't do it! Naruto! Please!"

"I said shut up!" Said one of the bullies as they turned around and hit her hard, making her crash to the floor again, before he went and joined his friends again. I wanted to kill them, right then and there, the urge was so strong I almost let myself be lost to the rage, but...she looked me right in the eye from her place on the floor, tears forming in her eyes. "Please..." She said just above a whisper, "Don't become the monster they think you are." How could I say no? How could I not listen to what she said?

The beatings continued as she spoke, I tried to focus and do want she wanted me to as I was pushed to the ground. I was holding on, tuning out the bullies and the pain, I could do this. Then, I heard a snap come from my chest, as a sharp pain spread from that area.


The pain didn't stop though, instead, it increased. My body started to feel numb and I was beginning to see blurry, but I continued to hold on to what Mercy said. Then I heard another snap, but this time it sounded from my face I think. All I know is that the same pain spread though out my nose and until it felt like it was covering my whole face.


I heard a scream, I don't know if it was mine or not though. I started to lose focus, everything was disappearing, everything was vanishing; only the pain stayed, but even that was leaving too. Then......Everything was gone and all I saw was black.


"Fire Release: Great Fire Release!"


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