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(Betty's POV)

The walk home from the train station and docks was quiet, luckily we only lived a short twenty minutes away.

"You alright, Bee?"
My brother broke the silence.

"Yeah, just...overwhelmed, that's all"
I responded quietly, almost in a whisper.

"How did your conversation with that girl go? You seemed to take a liking to her"
I teased, nudging into his shoulder.

"She was lovely, it turns out she lives a few streets away from us!"
He exclaimed excitedly.

I smiled at his words.
"What was her name?"
I asked, trying to save the conversation.

He replied quietly.
He opened his mouth to say something but closed it before any sound came out.

It was obvious he wanted to bring up Collins, yet I could tell he already knew I didn't want him to.

"I've missed you, Bee."
He said softly, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I've missed you too, Pee."
I leaned into him.

Soon enough we had reached the front door and were about to enter our house.

"Who's going in first then?"
My father turned to both of us.

"I will, but be there for backup if mother attacks me."
I joked.

With that I placed my hand into the door handle, twisted, then pulled it open.

I shouted through the hallway.

A coarse voice sounded from the front room.

I responded reaching for a light switch.
I felt around until I felt the switch and flicked it on.

My mother shouted before running up to me and knocking the air out of my lungs.

I sobbed into her shoulder, holding her tightly.

"W-Where's your brother? Where's your father?"
She frantically questioned as she pulled out of the hug.

My mother cut me off by kissing my forehead and sprinting out of the door.

"My men!"
I heard her laugh from the front garden.

I followed her out, smile refusing to leave my face.

"I'm so proud of you three, I love you all so much!"
My mum turned to us all, waterfalls streaming down her cheeks.

"Don't ever leave me again!"
She scolded the three of us, jokingly.

She pulled everyone into a hug and I couldn't help quote Tommy's words.

"Group hug, wooo!"
I screamed so loud, I'm pretty sure that the whole neighbourhood could hear me.

All four of our laughs filled the street, echoing through alleyways and bouncing off houses.

"Hey mum?"
I started.

"Yes my dear?"

"Peter found a loverrrr"
I turned to Peter, who was already gritting his teeth.

"I'm honestly going to kill you"
He responded, not being able to act serious.
He slowly walked towards me, hands out in front of him.

I begged

"Please no"
I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh no, you're looking ticklish Bee."
He joked.

The Pilot's Lover  • Collins (Dunkirk)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz