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verb: crash; 3rd person present: crashes; past tense: crashed; past participle: crashed; gerund or present participle: crashing

•of an aircraft) fall from the sky and hit the land or sea.
•cause (an aircraft) to fall from the sky.


Collins' POV

The enemy flew over the ship, bombing it into oblivion. I fired multiple shots at it but it's partner was on my tail. Smoke erupted from the engine of the plane in front of me.
I let out a sigh of relief as it dived into the sea.

Before I could even take a second breath bullets whizzed by my plane, catching me off guard.


"Shit" I cursed to myself, attempting to dodge the bullets.

"He's on me!" I shouted.

My plane absorbed a few bullets, but couldn't take much more.

"I'm on him"
My partner,Farrier, stated down the radio. It would be an understatement to say I trusted this man.

Before I could even respond , the engine began to slow down and just like the enemy, thick, black smoke spewed out of the front of my plane.

"I'm going down." I muttered into the radio, once more.

Panic settled through my veins.

It felt like it was all going in slow-motion. Boats, soldiers and the beach became more clear to see as my plane an I glided closer to the sea.

I grabbed onto the yoke and prepared myself for impact.I felt helpless as the sea came closer; all I could do was hope.

Hope that I would survive this crash, hope I would survive this war and hope I would return home.

In a hot minute, I had been greeted by the waters of the English Channel.


Hiii! So that was the second chapter, I'm sorry it was really short and boring but I wanted to involve something from Collins' POV. Once again, thankyou so much for reading and please vote. I promise this book will progress into something better, but to do that I'll need people to keep reading. Feel free to message me if you think you have any good ideas I could include with this book! Once again thankyou.

All the love

The Pilot's Lover  • Collins (Dunkirk)Where stories live. Discover now