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fairy tale

noun: fairytale

a fairy story.

something resembling a fairy story in being magical, idealized, or extremely happy.
modifier noun: fairy-tale
"a fairy-tale romance"

(Peter's POV)

I watched the two as they hugged.

When the boat sank a few days ago, I had hardly found my way out; and when I did, I couldn't find the pair of them. I assumed they had been pulled away by the sea, maybe drowned.
I'd been such a dick. What kind of brother was I, telling my sister that she wasn't allowed to save people?
I didn't know where to swim but I did, that's when i saw a boat in the distance. To my utter amazement it was my father driving this boat, he brought me on board.
I had told him what had happened with Betty, about the soldier and about our boat.
He seemed disappointed in me, he didn't say it, but I could see it in his eyes.

I watched as the two smiled at one another.
This was the man who I thought I couldn't trust, I thought he would hurt Betty.

Oh how I was wrong.

Throughout all this he had stayed with her, throughout this mess he protected her when I couldn't; when I wouldn't.

I owed this man my life, he protected my sister from a few of the worst things anyone could experience, war, death and cruelty.

I didn't know if Betty would forgive me, after I hit her on that boat. I truly don't understand what came over me, I was a coward.
Yet I could see she was happy, that's all that mattered.

In all honesty, I was scared of Collins. He was probably several feet taller than me, and you know what they say, 'never cross a Scotsman'.
When he put me in my place on that boat, I thought I was going to be killed.

The two seemed so happy, they both held a strong love in their eyes.
I didn't realise I was staring until a loud voice overruled the quiet chattering.

"I know I'm gorgeous, but there's no need to stare"
The voice belonged to Collins.
His remark was followed by a loud laugh coming from my sister.

A smile pushed itself onto my face and I took a few steps towards them both.

"Sorry, it occurred to me that you both seem like you are in a fairytale, the cliffs passing behind you, the wind hitting you"
I responded, smile still smudged on my face.

"I feel like I'm in one"
Betty piped up, turning to us both, smile evident on herself.

I didn't even realise that we were finally at the docks until Collins carried on, pointing towards our surrounding.
"I guess this is our happily ever after."

Joy flooded throughout the whole boat, nobody said anything yet you could feel the stress drain from the whole situation.

Masses of cheers and chants erupted from multiple boats beside us, and soldiers around me joined in.
An overwhelming wave of happiness hit me, and I began to cheer along.

We all began to get off of the boat.
I was among a crowd of soldiers when I spotted Collins, Betty and my father in mid conversation.

I walked over to the three, smile still on my face as were theirs.

Father patted me on my back, obviously happy to be on stable ground.
A soldier broke our moment.
"Where the hell were you?"
He remarked towards Collins, harshly.

"They know where you were."
My father said simply, patting him on the back.
He nodded with gratitude.

Betty looked up at Collins with a look.

I was unsure of what it was, but now I am certain it was proudness and love.

My father must've caught her look and turned to me, smiling.

"I'm proud of you, Peter."
I looked at him, why was he proud of me? I did nothing but follow Betty onto a boat, I thought.

"What for?"
I questioned, confused.

"Need there be a reason?"
He questioned back at me, leaving my even more confused than before.

And with that he walked away, helping give out blankets and water to other soldiers.

Leaving me alone.

I was in mid thought when a young nurse approached me.

"Thank you"
She said, shyly.

I sent her a questioned look

"Even though you're not a soldier, you helped get them home. Your bravery is unthinkable, so thank you."
Her words were full of meaning.

"I'm Peter, Peter Dawson"
I greeted the young lady.

"What an honour to meet you, Peter Dawson. My name's Kate."
She looked up at me, eyes full of light.

I took her hand in mine, bent down then placed a kiss on hers.

"What a lovely name"
I complimented, making her giggle slightly.
As she laughed, a strange feeling hit me in my stomach making me uneasy.

Betty's whisper fell behind me.

"Embrace it Pee, embrace the love."


Okay honestly I have no idea what went on in that chapter but there was no drama so that's nice.

Okay, this book is NOT yet nearly finished so do not worry. There's still quite a bit of storyline which I have in mind so please keep reading and voting.

I'm very grateful for the people who constantly read and vote every time I update, it means a lot. So thank you to those people who do so.

I'm going to shut up now aha.

Yours truly,

-E x

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